
Asset Uid Type Mobile Description Of Equipment Manufacturer Model Manufacturer Serial No Acquisition Date Origional Cost
CGINS-MOPAK0-11351 Sensor 0 3-Axis Motion Pack: MOPAK MicroStrain 3DM-GX3-25 6223-4220-11351 $0.00
OL000528 Sensor 0 Hydrogen Sensor: HYDGN RKI Instruments M2A transmitters CP04OSSM-00001-SBD11HYDGN $0.00
CGCON-GLDROO-00523 Sensor 1 Mobile Asset Controller for Open Ocean Glider Teledyne Webb G2 Slocum Gliders 523 $0.00
CGCON-SIOCON-14882 Sensor 0 Subsurface Mooring Platform Controller SIO Subsurface Mooring Controller 14882 $0.00
CGMCE-02SHSP-00006 Platform 0 Coastal Endurance Oregon Shelf Surface Piercing Profiler Mooring WHOI CE02SHSP CE02SHSP-00007 $0.00
ATAPL-67732-00001 RAS_PPS ASSEMBLY (RAS: 4830-58340 & PPS: 4830-58338) (O&M) NOAA/PMEL 67732 $36,913.00
CGINS-MOPAK0-11353 Sensor 0 3-Axis Motion Pack: MOPAK MicroStrain 3DM-GX3-25 6223-4220-11353 $0.00
OL000529 Sensor 0 Hydrogen Sensor: HYDGN RKI Instruments M2A transmitters CP04OSSM-00001-SBD12HYDGN $0.00
CGCON-GLDROO-00524 Sensor 1 Mobile Asset Controller for Open Ocean Glider Teledyne Webb G2 Slocum Gliders 524 $0.00
CGCON-SIOCON-14883 Sensor 0 Subsurface Mooring Platform Controller SIO Subsurface Mooring Controller 14883 $0.00
CGMCE-02SHSP-00007 Platform 0 Coastal Endurance Oregon Shelf Surface Piercing Profiler Mooring WHOI CE02SHSP CE02SHSP-00006 $0.00
CGMGP-02HYPM-00002 Platform 0 Global Station Papa Apex Profiler Mooring WHOI GP02HYPM GP02HYPM-00002 $698,400.00
ATAPL-67732-00002 RAS_PPS ASSEMBLY (RAS: 4830-58340 & PPS: 4830-58338) NOAA/PMEL 67732 $36,913.00
CGINS-MOPAK0-11355 Sensor 0 3-Axis Motion Pack: MOPAK MicroStrain 3DM-GX3-25 6223-4220-11355 $0.00
CGINS-PARADM-50195 Sensor 1 Photosynthetically Available Radiation for Glider: PARAD Series M Biospherical Instruments QSP-2155 50195 $0.00
OL000539 Sensor 0 3-Axis Motion Pack: MOPAK MicroStrain 3DM-GX3-25 CP04OSSM-00002-MOPAK $0.00
CGCON-GLDROO-00525 Sensor 1 Mobile Asset Controller for Open Ocean Glider Teledyne Webb G2 Slocum Gliders 525 $0.00
CGCON-SIOCON-14884 Sensor 0 Subsurface Mooring Platform Controller SIO Subsurface Mooring Controller 14884 $0.00
CGMCE-02SHSP-00008 Platform 0 Coastal Endurance Oregon Shelf Surface Piercing Profiler Mooring WHOI CE02SHSP CE02SHSP-00008 $0.00
CGMGP-02HYPM-00003 Platform 0 Global Station Papa Apex Profiler Mooring WHOI GP02HYPM GP02HYPM-00003 $698,400.00

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