OOI Parameters

Id Name Display Name Standard Name Unit Data Product Identifier Data Product Type Data Level
PD1287 m_device_oddity Device Oddity 1
PD1799 cg_eng_sbc_gpio2 Cg Eng SBC GPIO2 counts
PD2055 manual_mode Manual Mode 1
PD2311 profiler_timestamp Surface-Piercing Profiler Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1970-01-01
PD2567 hpies_tuport_compass_null_count Compass Port Closed Count 1
PD3335 roll_std Roll - Standard Deviation rad
PD3591 inband_channel_1_snr Inband Channel 1 SNR decibel
PD7943 f10_ifspeed Out Unknown Protocol count
PD8 lat Latitude latitude degree_north
PD264 samples_free Number of Samples Free counts
PD520 software_version Software Version 1
PD776 avg_speed_of_sound Avg Speed of Sound m s-1
PD1288 m_device_warning Device Warning 1
PD1800 cg_eng_sbc_gpio3 Cg Eng SBC GPIO3 counts
PD2056 sampling_interval Sampling Interval 1
PD2312 last_character_controller_id Last Character Controller ID 1
PD2568 hpies_irq2_count IRQ2 Interrupt Count 1
PD3336 heading_max Heading - Maximum rad
PD3592 inband_channel_2_snr Inband Channel 2 SNR decibel
PD9 lon Longitude longitude degree_east

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