OOI Parameters

Id Name Display Name Standard Name Unit Data Product Identifier Data Product Type Data Level
PD550 analog_input_1 Analog Input 1 1
PD547 analog_input_2 Analog Input 2 1
PD519 analog_input_address Analog Input Address 1
PD2307 analog_output Analog Output 1
PD507 analog_output_enable Analog Output Enable 1
PD512 analog_power_output Analog Power Output 1
PD532 analog_scale_factor Analog Scale Factor 1
PD3106 angular_rate_x Angular Rate X rad s-1
PD3107 angular_rate_y Angular Rate Y rad s-1
PD3108 angular_rate_z Angular Rate Z rad s-1
PD3803 antelope_channel Channel Id 1
PD3805 antelope_endtime End Time seconds since 1900-01-01
PD3802 antelope_location Location 1
PD3800 antelope_network Network 1
PD3807 antelope_num_samples Number of Samples 1
PD3806 antelope_sampling_rate Sampling Rate Hz
PD3804 antelope_starttime Start Time seconds since 1900-01-01
PD3801 antelope_station Station 1
PD3517 array_sound_speed Array Sound Speed m s-1
PD3553 ascent_continuity Ascent Continuity counts

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