OOI Parameters

Id Name Display Name Standard Name Unit Data Product Identifier Data Product Type Data Level
PD256 press_coeff_pslope Pressure Coefficient Pslope 1
PD512 analog_power_output Analog Power Output 1
PD768 distance_surface Distance Surface mm
PD1280 m_depth_rate_running_avg_n Data Sample of Number of Depth Rate Change 1
PD1792 cg_eng_sbc_gpo0 Cg Eng SBC GPO0 counts
PD2048 measurement_1_slope_value Measurement 1 (Scattering) Scale Factor m-1 sr-1 counts-1
PD2304 enable_humiditycomp Enable Humidity Compensation for Vapor Pressure
PD2560 hpies_ifok File Write Status 1
PD3072 met_relwind_direction Relative Wind Direction degrees RELWIND_DIR-AUX Science Data
PD3328 y_ang_rate_max Angular Rate Y-Axis - Maximum rad s-1
PD3584 pic_cell_voltage_4 Pic Cell Voltage 4 V
PD3840 fdchp_z_ang_rate Angular Rate Z-Axis rad s-1
PD7936 f10_ifinunknownprotos In Unknown Protocol count
PD257 temp_sensor_serial_number Temperature Sensor Serial Number 1
PD513 sound_speed_adjust_factor Sound Speed Adjust Factor m s-1
PD769 beam_radial_velocity Beam Radial Velocity mm s-1
PD1281 m_depth_rate_subsampled Subsampled Depth Rate Measurement m s-1
PD1793 cg_eng_sbc_gpo1 Cg Eng SBC GPO1 counts
PD2049 measurement_2_slope_value Measurement 2 (Chlorophyll) Scale Factor ug L-1 counts-1
PD2305 enable_airsaturation Enable Air Saturation

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