OOI Site Page Data Portal

Instrument Series: OBSSP-A

Instrument Name
Short-Period Ocean Bottom Seismometer
Science Discipline
Class Description

Short-Period Ocean Bottom Seismometers detect vibrations from small earthquakes ranging from 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz. These earthquakes are caused by local phenomena, such as melt movement beneath volcanoes and upward flow of hydrothermal fluids in the conduits that feed black smoker chimneys. These instruments enable imaging of the seismic energy traveling through the seafloor.

Series Description

Website Info

Deployed Instruments

Reference Designator Site Name Node Name Instrument Name Start Depth End Depth
RS01SUM1-LJ01B-06-OBSSPA103 Southern Hydrate Summit 1 Seafloor Low-Power JBox (LJ01B) Short-Period Ocean Bottom Seismometer 779 779
RS01SUM1-LJ01B-07-OBSSPA102 Southern Hydrate Summit 1 Seafloor Low-Power JBox (LJ01B) Short-Period Ocean Bottom Seismometer 779 779
RS01SUM1-LJ01B-08-OBSSPA101 Southern Hydrate Summit 1 Seafloor Low-Power JBox (LJ01B) Short-Period Ocean Bottom Seismometer 779 779
RS03ASHS-MJ03B-05-OBSSPA302 ASHES Vent Field Medium-Power JBox (MJ03B) Short-Period Ocean Bottom Seismometer 1,552 1,552
RS03ASHS-MJ03B-06-OBSSPA301 ASHES Vent Field Medium-Power JBox (MJ03B) Short-Period Ocean Bottom Seismometer 1,552 1,552
RS03ECAL-MJ03E-05-OBSSPA303 Eastern Caldera Medium-Power JBox (MJ03E) Short-Period Ocean Bottom Seismometer 1,516 1,516
RS03ECAL-MJ03E-08-OBSSPA304 Eastern Caldera Medium-Power JBox (MJ03E) Short-Period Ocean Bottom Seismometer 1,516 1,516
RS03INT2-MJ03D-05-OBSSPA305 International District Vent Field 2 Medium-Power JBox (MJ03D) Short-Period Ocean Bottom Seismometer 1,527 1,527