In July - Aug 2016, the signal of a warmer, saltier water mass was detected by the CTDs on the two Argentine Basin Flanking Moorings. This occurred shortly after the moorings were pulled down by strong currents in June 2016 (see the Global Argentine Basin extreme pressure change nugget). Temperatures at the mid-water CTDs (100 - 400m) jumped 2 - 7 degrees Celsius in a very short period of time, and salinity values drastically increased at all CTDs above 600m. It would be interesting to look at other datasets to see where this water originated. The Argentine Basin location is a very dynamic system!!
Note: GA03FLMB-RIM01-02-CTDMOG064 was removed from the plots as the temperature sensor failed after the previous extreme pressure change.
Last Modified: 8/21/19, 6:33 PM