GA01SUMO-RID16-02-FLORTD000 - 12m
GA01SUMO-RII11-02-CTDMOQ011 - 20m
Although the data are messy and chlorophyll-a concentrations are variable, a seasonal cycle in chlorophyll-a concentration (a proxy for phytoplankton biomass) is evident from the data from the fluorometer mounted at 12m on the Global Argentine Basin surface mooring. Keep in mind that the mooring is located in the southern hemisphere. Surface seawater temps increase in the austral summer/fall (Jan - Apr) and the mixed layer depth shoals (gets shallower), allowing phytoplankton to stay in that sweet spot in the surface ocean where they have sufficient light to photosynthesize and multiply!!
The CTD at 20m is used because the CTD at 12m doesn't contain the full 3 year data record (sea surface temp from the METBK could be used, but I haven't reviewed that data yet).
Data from the fluorometer on the surface buoy (1m) are bad, likely due to severe biofouling. There are photos in the cruise reports of all of the biofouling on the surface buoy - further proof of lots of productivity!
Last Modified: 5/6/20, 4:55 PM