Id | Name | Display Name | Standard Name | Unit | Fill Value | Precision | Identifier | Type | Level |
PD7 | time | Time, UTC | time | seconds since 1900-01-01 | -9999999 | ||||
PD10 | port_timestamp | Port Timestamp, UTC | seconds since 1900-01-01 | -9999999 | |||||
PD11 | driver_timestamp | Driver Timestamp, UTC | seconds since 1900-01-01 | -9999999 | |||||
PD12 | internal_timestamp | Internal Timestamp, UTC | seconds since 1900-01-01 | -9999999 | |||||
PD16 | preferred_timestamp | Preferred Timestamp | 1 | empty | |||||
PD312 | serial_number | Serial Number | 1 | empty | |||||
PD605 | header_id | Header ID | 1 | 255 | |||||
PD606 | data_source_id | Data Source ID | 1 | 255 | |||||
PD607 | num_bytes | Number of Bytes | 1 | 65535 | |||||
PD608 | num_data_types | Number of Data Types | 1 | 65535 | |||||
PD609 | offset_data_types | Offset Data Types | 1 | 65535 | |||||
PD610 | fixed_leader_id | Fixed Leader ID | 1 | 65535 | |||||
PD611 | firmware_version | Firmware Version | 1 | 255 | |||||
PD612 | firmware_revision | Firmware Revision | 1 | 255 | |||||
PD613 | sysconfig_frequency | Sysconfig Frequency | kHz | 65535 | |||||
PD614 | sysconfig_beam_pattern | Sysconfig Beam Pattern | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD615 | sysconfig_sensor_config | Sysconfig Sensor Config | 1 | 255 | |||||
PD616 | sysconfig_head_attached | Sysconfig Head Attached | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD617 | sysconfig_vertical_orientation | Sysconfig Vertical Orientation | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD618 | data_flag | Real/Simulated Data Flag | 1 | 255 | |||||
PD619 | lag_length | Lag Length | s | 255 | |||||
PD620 | num_beams | Number Beams | 1 | 0 | |||||
PD621 | num_cells | Number Cells | 1 | 0 | |||||
PD622 | pings_per_ensemble | Pings Per Ensemble | 1 | 0 | |||||
PD623 | cell_length | Cell Length | cm | 0 | |||||
PD624 | blank_after_transmit | Blank After Transmit Distance | cm | 0 | |||||
PD625 | signal_processing_mode | Signal Processing Mode | 1 | 255 | |||||
PD626 | low_corr_threshold | Low Correlation Threshold | counts | 0 | |||||
PD627 | num_code_repetitions | Number of Code Repetitions | counts | 0 | |||||
PD628 | percent_good_min | Percent Good Minimum | percent | 255 | |||||
PD629 | error_vel_threshold | Error Velocity Threshold | mm s-1 | 65535 | |||||
PD630 | time_per_ping_minutes | Time Per Ping | min | 255 | |||||
PD631 | time_per_ping_seconds | Time Per Ping | s | -9999999 | |||||
PD632 | coord_transform_type | Coordinate Transform Type | 1 | 255 | |||||
PD633 | coord_transform_tilts | Coordinate Transform Tilts | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD634 | coord_transform_beams | Coord Transform Beams | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD635 | coord_transform_mapping | Coord Transform Mapping | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD636 | heading_alignment | Heading Alignment | cdegrees | -9999 | |||||
PD637 | heading_bias | Heading Bias | cdegrees | -9999 | |||||
PD638 | sensor_source_speed | Sensor Source Speed | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD639 | sensor_source_depth | Sensor Source Depth | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD640 | sensor_source_heading | Sensor Source Heading | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD641 | sensor_source_pitch | Sensor Source Pitch | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD642 | sensor_source_roll | Sensor Source Roll | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD643 | sensor_source_conductivity | Sensor Source Conductivity | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD644 | sensor_source_temperature | Sensor Source Temperature | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD645 | sensor_available_depth | Sensor Available Depth | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD646 | sensor_available_heading | Sensor Available Heading | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD647 | sensor_available_pitch | Sensor Available Pitch | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD648 | sensor_available_roll | Sensor Available Roll | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD649 | sensor_available_conductivity | Sensor Available Conductivity | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD650 | sensor_available_temperature | Sensor Available Temperature | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD651 | bin_1_distance | Bin 1 Distance | cm | 65535 | |||||
PD652 | transmit_pulse_length | Transmit Pulse Length | cm | 65535 | |||||
PD653 | reference_layer_start | Reference Layer Start | 1 | 255 | |||||
PD654 | reference_layer_stop | Reference Layer Stop | 1 | 255 | |||||
PD655 | false_target_threshold | False Target Threshold | counts | 255 | |||||
PD656 | low_latency_trigger | Low Latency Trigger | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD657 | transmit_lag_distance | Transmit Lag Distance | cm | 65535 | |||||
PD658 | cpu_board_serial_number | CPU Board Serial Number | 1 | empty | |||||
PD659 | system_bandwidth | System Bandwidth | 1 | 0 | |||||
PD660 | system_power | System Power | 1 | 0 | |||||
PD662 | beam_angle | Beam Angle | degrees | 255 | |||||
PD663 | variable_leader_id | Variable Leader ID | 1 | 65535 | |||||
PD664 | ensemble_number | Ensemble Number | 1 | 65535 | |||||
PD666 | ensemble_number_increment | Ensemble Number Increment | 1 | 255 | |||||
PD667 | bit_result_demod_1 | BIT Result, Demod 1 | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD668 | bit_result_demod_0 | BIT Result, Demod 0 | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD669 | bit_result_timing | BIT Result, Timing | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD670 | speed_of_sound | Speed of Sound | m s-1 | 65535 | Science Data | ||||
PD671 | transducer_depth | Transducer Depth | dm | 65535 | |||||
PD672 | heading | Heading | deci-degrees | 65535 | |||||
PD673 | pitch | Pitch | deci-degrees | -9999 | |||||
PD674 | roll | Roll | deci-degrees | -9999 | |||||
PD675 | salinity | Transducer Salinity | 1 | 65535 | Science Data | ||||
PD676 | temperature | Transducer Temperature | cdeg_C | -9999 | Science Data | ||||
PD677 | mpt_minutes | MPT Minutes | min | 255 | |||||
PD678 | mpt_seconds | MPT Seconds | s | -9999999 | |||||
PD679 | heading_stdev | Heading Standard Deviation | degrees | 255 | |||||
PD680 | pitch_stdev | Pitch Standard Deviation | ddegrees | 255 | |||||
PD681 | roll_stdev | Roll Standard Deviation | ddegrees | 255 | |||||
PD682 | adc_transmit_current | ADC Transmit Current | counts | 255 | |||||
PD683 | adc_transmit_voltage | ADC Transmit Voltage | counts | 255 | |||||
PD684 | adc_ambient_temp | ADC Ambient Temperature | counts | 255 | |||||
PD685 | adc_pressure_plus | ADC Pressure Plus | counts | 255 | |||||
PD686 | adc_pressure_minus | ADC Pressure Minus | counts | 255 | |||||
PD687 | adc_attitude_temp | ADC Attitude Temperature | counts | 255 | |||||
PD688 | adc_attitude | ADC Attitiude | counts | 255 | |||||
PD689 | adc_contamination_sensor | ADC Contamination Sensor | counts | 255 | |||||
PD690 | bus_error_exception | Bus Error Exception | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD691 | address_error_exception | Address Error Exception | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD692 | illegal_instruction_exception | Illegal Instruction Exception | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD693 | zero_divide_instruction | Zero Divide Instruction | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD694 | emulator_exception | Emulator Exception | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD695 | unassigned_exception | Unassigned Exception | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD696 | watchdog_restart_occurred | Watchdog Restart Occurred | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD697 | battery_saver_power | Battery Saver Power | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD698 | pinging | Pinging | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD699 | cold_wakeup_occurred | Cold Wakeup Occurred | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD700 | unknown_wakeup_occurred | Unknown Wakeup Occurred | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD701 | clock_read_error | Clock Read Error | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD702 | unexpected_alarm | Unexpected Alarm | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD703 | clock_jump_forward | Clock Jump Forward | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD704 | clock_jump_backward | Clock Jump Backward | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD705 | power_fail | Power Fail | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD706 | spurious_dsp_interrupt | Spurious DSP Interrupt | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD707 | spurious_uart_interrupt | Spurious UART Interrupt | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD708 | spurious_clock_interrupt | Spurious Clock Interrupt | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD709 | level_7_interrupt | Level 7 Interrupt | 1 | -99 | |||||
PD710 | pressure | Pressure | daPa | 0 | Science Data | ||||
PD711 | pressure_variance | Pressure Variance | daPa | 0 | |||||
PD713 | velocity_data_id | Velocity Data ID | 1 | 65535 | |||||
PD714 | water_velocity_east | Eastward Seawater Velocity | eastward_sea_water_velocity | mm s-1 | -32768 | VELPROF-VLE_L0 | Science Data | L0 | |
PD715 | water_velocity_north | Northward Seawater Velocity | northward_sea_water_velocity | mm s-1 | -32768 | VELPROF-VLN_L0 | Science Data | L0 | |
PD716 | water_velocity_up | Upward Seawater Velocity | upward_sea_water_velocity | mm s-1 | -32768 | VELPROF-VLU_L0 | Science Data | L0 | |
PD717 | error_velocity | Error Seawater Velocity | mm s-1 | -32768 | VELPROF-EVL_L0 | Science Data | L0 | ||
PD718 | correlation_magnitude_id | Correlation Magnitude ID | 1 | 65535 | |||||
PD719 | correlation_magnitude_beam1 | Correlation Magnitude Beam1 | 1 | 0 | |||||
PD720 | correlation_magnitude_beam2 | Correlation Magnitude Beam2 | 1 | 0 | |||||
PD721 | correlation_magnitude_beam3 | Correlation Magnitude Beam3 | 1 | 0 | |||||
PD722 | correlation_magnitude_beam4 | Correlation Magnitude Beam4 | 1 | 0 | |||||
PD723 | echo_intensity_id | Echo Intensity ID | 1 | 65535 | |||||
PD724 | echo_intensity_beam1 | Echo Intensity Beam 1 Measurement | counts | 0 | ECHOINT-B1_L0 | Unprocessed Data | L0 | ||
PD725 | echo_intensity_beam2 | Echo Intensity Beam 2 Measurement | counts | 0 | ECHOINT-B2_L0 | Unprocessed Data | L0 | ||
PD726 | echo_intensity_beam3 | Echo Intensity Beam 3 Measurement | counts | 0 | ECHOINT-B3_L0 | Unprocessed Data | L0 | ||
PD727 | echo_intensity_beam4 | Echo Intensity Beam 4 Measurement | counts | 0 | ECHOINT-B4_L0 | Unprocessed Data | L0 | ||
PD728 | percent_good_id | Percent Good ID | 1 | 65535 | |||||
PD729 | percent_good_3beam | Percent Good 3Beam | percent | 255 | |||||
PD730 | percent_transforms_reject | Percent Transforms Reject | percent | 255 | |||||
PD731 | percent_bad_beams | Percent Bad Beams | percent | 255 | |||||
PD732 | percent_good_4beam | Percent Good 4Beam | percent | 255 | |||||
PD743 | checksum | Checksum | 1 | 65535 | |||||
PD785 | ensemble_start_time | Ensemble Start Time, UTC | seconds since 1900-01-01 | -9999999 | |||||
PD863 | ingestion_timestamp | Ingestion Timestamp, UTC | seconds since 1900-01-01 | -9999 | |||||
PD877 | real_time_clock | Real Time Clock Array | 1 | -9999 | |||||
PD2769 | corrected_echo_intensity_beam1 | Echo Intensity Beam 1 | dB | -9999999 | ECHOINT-B1_L1 | Science Data | L1 | ||
PD2770 | corrected_echo_intensity_beam2 | Echo Intensity Beam 2 | dB | -9999999 | ECHOINT-B2_L1 | Science Data | L1 | ||
PD2771 | corrected_echo_intensity_beam3 | Echo Intensity Beam 3 | dB | -9999999 | ECHOINT-B3_L1 | Science Data | L1 | ||
PD2772 | corrected_echo_intensity_beam4 | Echo Intensity Beam 4 | dB | -9999999 | ECHOINT-B4_L1 | Science Data | L1 |
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