Asset: CGINS-NUTNRJ-00428

Description of Equipment
Nitrate: NUTNR Series J
Manufacturer Serial No
Firmware Version
Acquisition Date
Original Cost
Deployment Cruise Reference Designator Deployment Number Start Date Stop Date Mooring Asset Node Asset Sensor Asset Latitude Longitude Deployment Depth Water Depth
SI-1507 CP01CNSP-SP001-03-NUTNRJ000 4 07/23/2015 10/14/2015 CGMCP-01CNSP-00004 CGVEH-CSPPCP-00005 CGINS-NUTNRJ-00428 40.1341 -70.7701 100 134

No notes yet.

Class Asset UID Start Date Serial Name Value Notes
NUTNRJ CGINS-NUTNRJ-00428 05/07/2014 428 CC_cal_temp 20 cal_temp = Calibration water temperature value;source_file
NUTNRJ CGINS-NUTNRJ-00428 05/07/2014 428 CC_di [16, 27, 28, 29, 44, 43, 50, 48, 40, 43, 130, 380, 968, 2186, 4312, 7363, 11054, 14692, 17674, 19760, 21092, 21945, 22584, 23215, 23984, 24955, 26204, 27723, 29521, 31632, 33920, 36384, 38826, 41148, 43200, 44793, 45763, 46087, 45708, 44648, 43123, 41266, 39310, 37415, 35703, 34260, 33169, 32380, 31954, 31855, 32046, 32567, 33391, 34437, 35756, 37317, 39038, 40855, 42820, 44732, 46572, 48223, 49604, 50624, 51182, 51193, 50687, 49651, 48155, 46259, 44167, 41883, 39615, 37361, 35266, 33358, 31607, 30040, 28685, 27531, 26515, 25712, 25005, 24518, 24149, 23899, 23796, 23820, 23945, 24192, 24532, 24972, 25515, 26099, 26734, 27406, 28055, 28637, 29172, 29566, 29790, 29815, 29624, 29213, 28607, 27843, 26960, 25985, 24988, 23961, 23002, 22079, 21235, 20471, 19800, 19212, 18708, 18288, 17971, 17707, 17529, 17423, 17392, 17461, 17568, 17773, 18023, 18377, 18760, 19198, 19696, 20267, 20841, 21475, 22144, 22850, 23556, 24279, 24976, 25695, 26352, 26953, 27521, 28026, 28423, 28756, 28951, 29063, 29068, 28896, 28635, 28283, 27826, 27289, 26699, 26034, 25352, 24652, 23950, 23269, 22596, 21940, 21357, 20807, 20302, 19855, 19448, 19072, 18741, 18380, 18062, 17748, 17425, 17128, 16862, 16615, 16395, 16191, 16009, 15835, 15688, 15546, 15425, 15301, 15160, 15057, 14955, 14851, 14762, 14705, 14620, 14540, 14506, 14478, 14461, 14468, 14447, 14457, 14456, 14466, 14498, 14542, 14544, 14576, 14579, 14579, 14568, 14540, 14487, 14414, 14320, 14209, 14088, 13932, 13747, 13556, 13341, 13113, 12888, 12645, 12409, 12178, 11893, 11614, 11294, 10984, 10687, 10435, 10200, 9975, 9785, 9610, 9449, 9321, 9189, 9100, 9001, 8848, 8690, 8524, 8380, 8264, 8148, 8052, 7976, 7905, 7866, 7827, 7769, 7738, 7600, 7293, 6878, 6370, 5749, 4916] di = (1 x 256) array of deionized water reference spectrum
NUTNRJ CGINS-NUTNRJ-00428 05/07/2014 428 CC_eno3 [-0.00939807, 0.00359665, 0.0122295, -0.01123146, 0.00078509, 0.00060975, 0.00505653, 0.00748131, 0.01235773, 0.00907707, 0.01243264, 0.00589765, 0.00347013, 0.00049742, -0.0057915, -0.02214344, -0.00353071, -0.00489863, -0.00266727, -0.00027563, 0.00177893, 0.00613347, 0.00722819, 0.00677884, 0.00762793, 0.00721789, 0.00715279, 0.00681381, 0.00647538, 0.00614577, 0.00580726, 0.00547655, 0.00516676, 0.00484764, 0.00452637, 0.0042008, 0.00388483, 0.00357904, 0.00328703, 0.00299018, 0.00270149, 0.00242293, 0.00217791, 0.00192987, 0.00170507, 0.0014978, 0.00129919, 0.00112894, 0.00096673, 0.00083009, 0.00070727, 0.00059234, 0.00049592, 0.00041794, 0.00033708, 0.00028482, 0.00022498, 0.00018243, 0.00014539, 0.00011503, 8.511e-05, 6.856e-05, 4.853e-05, 3.651e-05, 2.164e-05, 1.185e-05, 5.04e-06, -5.22e-06, -5.5e-06, -1.138e-05, -1.369e-05, -1.744e-05, -1.435e-05, -1.689e-05, -1.089e-05, -8.77e-06, -4.74e-06, -2.74e-06, -6.23e-06, -1.026e-05, -2.1e-06, -2.09e-06, 5.77e-06, 5.76e-06, 1.528e-05, 9.43e-06, 1.286e-05, 8.16e-06, 1.448e-05, 1.04e-05, 6.92e-06, 1.28e-05, 1.465e-05, 2.276e-05, 3.813e-05, 3.527e-05, 5.067e-05, 4.26e-05, 5.172e-05, 4.534e-05, 4.921e-05, 4.365e-05, 4.468e-05, 3.997e-05, 5.279e-05, 4.262e-05, 5.154e-05, 4.627e-05, 4.504e-05, 5.685e-05, 6.352e-05, 6.637e-05, 7.773e-05, 7.319e-05, 8.18e-05, 7.817e-05, 8.88e-05, 8.87e-05, 8.91e-05, 9.418e-05, 9.85e-05, 0.00010058, 0.0001045, 0.00010121, 0.00010831, 9.893e-05, 0.00011461, 0.00010635, 0.00010516, 0.00010432, 0.00011464, 0.00011275, 0.0001344, 0.00013476, 0.00012586, 0.00013405, 0.00013682, 0.00014135, 0.00013652, 0.00014101, 0.00013859, 0.00014432, 0.00015142, 0.0001463, 0.0001566, 0.00016114, 0.00016563, 0.00016461, 0.00016663, 0.00017131, 0.00016619, 0.00016645, 0.00016985, 0.00017269, 0.00017992, 0.00017749, 0.00018164, 0.00018767, 0.00018382, 0.00018114, 0.00018742, 0.00018955, 0.00018005, 0.0001818, 0.0001982, 0.00019899, 0.00020047, 0.00020555, 0.00021086, 0.00021153, 0.00021282, 0.00021898, 0.00022478, 0.00021152, 0.00022332, 0.00023415, 0.00022727, 0.00022632, 0.00023504, 0.00022248, 0.00022938, 0.00023777, 0.00025908, 0.00024632, 0.00025143, 0.00024862, 0.00026411, 0.00025398, 0.00026299, 0.00026251, 0.00026794, 0.00026139, 0.00025865, 0.00025677, 0.00025726, 0.00026321, 0.0002652, 0.00027032, 0.00027478, 0.00028142, 0.00028664, 0.00029036, 0.00028349, 0.00029921, 0.00029078, 0.00028687, 0.00028806, 0.0002922, 0.00027734, 0.0002942, 0.00030344, 0.0003073, 0.00030401, 0.00029656, 0.00032148, 0.00031055, 0.00030397, 0.00031889, 0.00031806, 0.00034657, 0.00033982, 0.00032371, 0.00032221, 0.000328, 0.00032606, 0.00031094, 0.00031035, 0.0003038, 0.00032066, 0.00034941, 0.00037149, 0.00035211, 0.0003589, 0.00035417, 0.00034452, 0.00034107, 0.00034326, 0.00034286, 0.00034959, 0.00035138, 0.00036107, 0.00034224, 0.00036314, 0.00039429, 0.00040831, 0.00038786, 0.00039229, 0.00040111, 0.00038868, 0.0004075, 0.00041748, 0.0003907, 0.00040461, 0.00038665, 0.00038235, 0.00037692] eno3 = (1 x 256) array of wavelength-dependent nitrate extinction coefficients
NUTNRJ CGINS-NUTNRJ-00428 05/07/2014 428 CC_eswa [0.00442385, 0.01727629, -0.00184768, 0.01352477, 0.00593408, 0.0025971, 0.00244617, 0.0040528, -0.00261231, -0.0007872, 0.01472304, 0.02985999, 0.04574441, 0.06073314, 0.07946236, 0.10237839, 0.08209665, 0.08114905, 0.08403367, 0.08062692, 0.07701167, 0.06921035, 0.06257945, 0.05456621, 0.04648964, 0.03939877, 0.03304644, 0.02746068, 0.02266207, 0.01860281, 0.01519593, 0.01234603, 0.00997646, 0.00803353, 0.0064314, 0.00514269, 0.00408513, 0.00323722, 0.00255791, 0.00201191, 0.00157955, 0.00124118, 0.00097076, 0.00076441, 0.00060679, 0.00047905, 0.00038606, 0.00030674, 0.00024983, 0.00020528, 0.00016909, 0.0001445, 0.00013124, 0.00010068, 9.53e-05, 7.897e-05, 7.263e-05, 6.919e-05, 5.925e-05, 5.001e-05, 4.15e-05, 3.356e-05, 2.665e-05, 1.868e-05, 1.117e-05, 7.76e-06, 4.04e-06, -1.2e-07, 3.23e-06, -4.78e-06, -6.12e-06, -6.63e-06, -3.61e-06, -1.117e-05, -8.3e-06, -7.39e-06, -6.8e-06, -1.438e-05, -8.55e-06, 5.4e-07, -4.93e-06, -1.11e-06, -6.76e-06, 2.4e-07, 5.61e-06, 9.23e-06, 1.412e-05, 1.603e-05, 1.573e-05, 1.701e-05, 1.744e-05, 2.126e-05, 3.091e-05, 1.727e-05, 1.103e-05, 2.105e-05, 1.33e-05, 2.24e-05, 1.971e-05, 2.779e-05, 3.476e-05, 3.647e-05, 4.166e-05, 5.086e-05, 4.081e-05, 4.912e-05, 5.182e-05, 5.317e-05, 6.64e-05, 5.108e-05, 4.93e-05, 3.641e-05, 4.544e-05, 4.039e-05, 4.807e-05, 5.238e-05, 4.091e-05, 6.076e-05, 6.822e-05, 6.167e-05, 5.39e-05, 7.132e-05, 5.805e-05, 6.978e-05, 5.673e-05, 8.282e-05, 6.936e-05, 8.598e-05, 8.252e-05, 9.278e-05, 7.637e-05, 9.527e-05, 7.68e-05, 7.031e-05, 8.337e-05, 8.804e-05, 8.923e-05, 9.756e-05, 9.613e-05, 0.00010629, 0.00011041, 0.00010638, 9.904e-05, 0.00011908, 0.00010968, 0.00010694, 0.00010922, 0.0001156, 0.00012753, 0.00012255, 0.00013143, 0.00013811, 0.00014306, 0.00014567, 0.00014407, 0.00014935, 0.00015218, 0.00015244, 0.00016422, 0.00017063, 0.00017126, 0.00016488, 0.00018868, 0.00018445, 0.00018604, 0.00019239, 0.00019788, 0.00019688, 0.00020528, 0.00019089, 0.00020209, 0.00021881, 0.0002093, 0.00022398, 0.00021817, 0.00021832, 0.00023439, 0.00024234, 0.00024102, 0.00025131, 0.0002444, 0.00023894, 0.00024352, 0.0002656, 0.00024592, 0.00026361, 0.00026185, 0.00026903, 0.00027515, 0.00029367, 0.00029717, 0.00029504, 0.00031998, 0.0003283, 0.0003244, 0.00032111, 0.00032099, 0.00032687, 0.00030983, 0.00031854, 0.00032322, 0.00034157, 0.00032549, 0.00033754, 0.00034171, 0.00033854, 0.00035665, 0.00036397, 0.00037448, 0.00036863, 0.00036387, 0.00036303, 0.00038406, 0.00039642, 0.00038702, 0.00039617, 0.00040985, 0.0004027, 0.00040236, 0.00038637, 0.00038674, 0.00040342, 0.00040243, 0.00041957, 0.00042758, 0.00044052, 0.00045377, 0.00045495, 0.00045169, 0.00042918, 0.00044038, 0.00046133, 0.00046277, 0.00048058, 0.0004814, 0.0004752, 0.00050328, 0.00046994, 0.00048169, 0.00048145, 0.00050445, 0.00049806, 0.00049634, 0.0004956, 0.0004959, 0.00049266, 0.00052592, 0.00052351, 0.0005216, 0.00053097, 0.00050676, 0.00052978, 0.00053899, 0.00055037, 0.00056579, 0.00060951] eswa = (1 x 256) array of seawater extinction coefficients
NUTNRJ CGINS-NUTNRJ-00428 05/07/2014 428 CC_lower_wavelength_limit_for_spectra_fit 217 Constant. wllower = Lower wavelength limit for spectra fit. From DPS: 217 nm (1-cm pathlength probe tip) or 220 nm (4-cm pathlength probe tip)
NUTNRJ CGINS-NUTNRJ-00428 05/07/2014 428 CC_upper_wavelength_limit_for_spectra_fit 240 Constant. wlupper = Upper wavelength limit for spectra fit. From DPS: 240 nm (1-cm pathlength probe tip) or 245 nm (4-cm pathlength probe tip)
NUTNRJ CGINS-NUTNRJ-00428 05/07/2014 428 CC_wl [190.16, 190.94, 191.72, 192.51, 193.29, 194.08, 194.86, 195.65, 196.43, 197.22, 198.01, 198.79, 199.58, 200.37, 201.16, 201.94, 202.73, 203.52, 204.31, 205.1, 205.89, 206.68, 207.47, 208.26, 209.05, 209.84, 210.63, 211.42, 212.21, 213, 213.79, 214.58, 215.38, 216.17, 216.96, 217.75, 218.55, 219.34, 220.13, 220.93, 221.72, 222.52, 223.31, 224.11, 224.9, 225.69, 226.49, 227.29, 228.08, 228.88, 229.67, 230.47, 231.27, 232.06, 232.86, 233.66, 234.45, 235.25, 236.05, 236.85, 237.65, 238.44, 239.24, 240.04, 240.84, 241.64, 242.44, 243.24, 244.04, 244.84, 245.64, 246.44, 247.24, 248.04, 248.84, 249.64, 250.44, 251.24, 252.04, 252.84, 253.64, 254.44, 255.25, 256.05, 256.85, 257.65, 258.45, 259.26, 260.06, 260.86, 261.67, 262.47, 263.27, 264.07, 264.88, 265.68, 266.49, 267.29, 268.09, 268.9, 269.7, 270.5, 271.31, 272.11, 272.92, 273.72, 274.53, 275.33, 276.14, 276.94, 277.75, 278.55, 279.36, 280.16, 280.97, 281.77, 282.58, 283.39, 284.19, 285, 285.8, 286.61, 287.42, 288.22, 289.03, 289.83, 290.64, 291.45, 292.25, 293.06, 293.87, 294.67, 295.48, 296.29, 297.09, 297.9, 298.71, 299.52, 300.32, 301.13, 301.94, 302.74, 303.55, 304.36, 305.17, 305.97, 306.78, 307.59, 308.39, 309.2, 310.01, 310.82, 311.62, 312.43, 313.24, 314.05, 314.85, 315.66, 316.47, 317.28, 318.09, 318.89, 319.7, 320.51, 321.32, 322.12, 322.93, 323.74, 324.55, 325.35, 326.16, 326.97, 327.78, 328.58, 329.39, 330.2, 331.01, 331.81, 332.62, 333.43, 334.24, 335.04, 335.85, 336.66, 337.46, 338.27, 339.08, 339.89, 340.69, 341.5, 342.31, 343.11, 343.92, 344.73, 345.53, 346.34, 347.15, 347.95, 348.76, 349.57, 350.37, 351.18, 351.98, 352.79, 353.6, 354.4, 355.21, 356.01, 356.82, 357.63, 358.43, 359.24, 360.04, 360.85, 361.65, 362.46, 363.26, 364.07, 364.87, 365.68, 366.48, 367.29, 368.09, 368.89, 369.7, 370.5, 371.31, 372.11, 372.91, 373.72, 374.52, 375.32, 376.13, 376.93, 377.73, 378.54, 379.34, 380.14, 380.94, 381.75, 382.55, 383.35, 384.15, 384.95, 385.75, 386.56, 387.36, 388.16, 388.96, 389.76, 390.56, 391.36, 392.16, 392.96, 393.76, 394.56] wl = (1 x 256) array of wavelength bins