Data Stream Report

Instrument Name
Data Concentrator Logger (DCL)
Reference Designator
Stream Type
Stream Content
Leak Detect Data
Uframe Route


No annotations yet.


Id Parameter Display Name Standard Name Unit Fill Value Precision Identifier Type Level
PD7 time Time, UTC time seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD10 port_timestamp Port Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD11 driver_timestamp Driver Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD12 internal_timestamp Internal Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD16 preferred_timestamp Preferred Timestamp 1 empty
PD863 ingestion_timestamp Ingestion Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999
PD2935 header_timestamp Controller Timestamp 1 empty
PD2967 board_type Controller Board Type, Ex: DCL 1 empty
PD2968 vmain_backplane_bus_voltage Vmain Backplane Bus Voltage @ DCL Input volts -9999999
PD2969 imain_current Imain, Current, @ DCL Input ma -9999999
PD2970 error_vmain_out_tolerance Vmain Out of Tolerance 1 -99
PD2971 error_imain_out_tolerance Imain Out of Tolerance 1 -99
PD2972 error_dcl_iso_swgf_lim_exceeded DCL_ISO_3V3 SWGF Limit Exceeded 1 -99
PD2973 error_dcl_rtn_swfg_lim_exceeded DCL_RTN_CPM SWGF Limit Exceeded 1 -99
PD2974 error_vmain_swgf_lim_exceeded VMAIN SWGF Limit Exceeded 1 -99
PD2975 error_gmain_swgf_lim_exceeded GNAUB SWGF Limit Exceeded 1 -99
PD2976 error_sensor_iso_swgf_lim_exceeded SENSOR_ISO_12V/SENSOR_ISO_24V SWGF Limit Exceeded 1 -99
PD2977 error_snsr_com_swgf_lim_exceeded SNSR_COM SWGF Limit Exceeded 1 -99
PD2978 error_leak_detect_c1_lim_exceeded Leak-Detect Channel 1 Exceeded Limit 1 -99
PD2979 error_leak_detect_c2_lim_exceeded Lead-Detect Channel 2 Exceeded Limit 1 -99
PD2980 error_channel_overcurrent_fault Channel-Pic Overcurrent Fault (Any Active Channel) 1 -99
PD2981 error_channel_1_not_responding Channel 1 Not Responding 1 -99
PD2982 error_channel_2_not_responding Channel 2 Not Responding 1 -99
PD2983 error_channel_3_not_responding Channel 3 Not Responding 1 -99
PD2984 error_channel_4_not_responding Channel 4 Not Responding 1 -99
PD2985 error_channel_5_not_responding Channel 5 Not Responding 1 -99
PD2986 error_channel_6_not_responding Channel 6 Not Responding 1 -99
PD2987 error_channel_7_not_responding Channel 7 Not Responding 1 -99
PD2988 error_channel_8_not_responding Channel 8 Not Responding 1 -99
PD2989 error_i2c_error I2C Error 1 -99
PD2990 error_uart_error UART Error 1 -99
PD2991 error_brown_out_reset Brown Out Reset Detected 1 -99
PD2992 bmp085_temp BMP085 Temperature (Pressure Sensor) degrees C -9999999
PD2993 sht25_temp SHT25 Temperature (Humidity Sensor) degrees C -9999999
PD2994 murata_12v_temp 12V Murata Temperature degrees C -9999999
PD2995 murata_24v_temp 24V Murata Temperature degrees C -9999999
PD2996 vicor_12v_bcm_temp 12V Vicor BCM Temperature degrees C -9999999
PD2997 sht25_humidity SHT25 Humidity, %Relative %relative -9999999
PD2998 bmp085_pressure BMP085 Pressure psia -9999999
PD2999 active_swgf_channels Active SWGF Channels (Bitmask); '7' = All 3 Enabled 1 -99
PD3000 swgf_c1_max_leakage SWGF Channel 1 Maximum Leakage 1 -9999999
PD3001 swgf_c2_max_leakage SWGF Channel 2 Maximum Leakage 1 -9999999
PD3002 swgf_c3_max_leakage SWGF Channel 3 Maximum Leakage 1 -9999999
PD3003 active_leak_detect_channels Active Leak-Detect Channels (Bitmask) 1 -99
PD3004 leak_detect_c1_v Leak-Detect Channel 1 Voltage volts -9999999
PD3005 leak_detect_c2_v Leak-Detect Channel 2 Voltage volts -9999999
PD3006 channel_state 8 Element Array of Channel State 1 -99
PD3007 channel_v 8 Element Array of Channel Voltage volts -9999999
PD3008 channel_i 8 Element Array of Channel Current ma -9999999
PD3009 channel_error_status 8 Element Array of Channel Error Status; 0 = OK 1 -99
PD3010 pwr_board_mode Power Board Mode 1 -99
PD3011 dpb_mode Dpb Mode 1 -99
PD3012 dpb_voltage_mode Dpb Voltage Mode 1 -99
PD3013 vmain_dpb_in Vmain @ DPB Input volts -9999999
PD3014 imain_dpb_in Imain @ DPB Input ma -9999999
PD3015 out_12v_v 12V Output Voltage volts -9999999
PD3016 out_12v_i 12V Output Current ma -9999999
PD3017 out_24v_v 24V Output Voltage volts -9999999
PD3018 out_24v_i 24V Output Current ma -9999999