Data Stream Report

Instrument Name
Mobile Asset Controller
Reference Designator
Stream Type
Stream Content
Engineering Data
Uframe Route


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Id Parameter Display Name Standard Name Unit Fill Value Precision Identifier Type Level
PD7 time Time, UTC time seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD10 port_timestamp Port Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD11 driver_timestamp Driver Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD12 internal_timestamp Internal Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD16 preferred_timestamp Preferred Timestamp 1 empty
PD863 ingestion_timestamp Ingestion Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999
PD1214 c_air_pump Air Pump 1 -99
PD1215 c_ballast_pumped Commanded Ballast Pumped mL
PD1216 c_battpos Commanded Battery Position in
PD1217 c_battroll Battroll rad
PD1218 c_bsipar_on Bsipar On s
PD1219 c_de_oil_vol Deep Engine Oil Volumn mL
PD1220 c_dvl_on Commanded Doppler Velocity Logger Ensemble Start Interval s
PD1221 c_flbbcd_on Flbbcd On s
PD1222 c_heading Heading rad
PD1223 c_oxy3835_wphase_on Oxy3835 Wphase On s
PD1224 c_pitch Pitch rad
PD1225 c_profile_on Profile On s
PD1226 c_wpt_lat Commanded Waypoint Position: Latitude degrees
PD1227 c_wpt_lon Commanded Waypoint Position: Longitude degrees
PD1228 m_1meg_persistor 1meg Persistor 1 -99
PD1229 m_aground_water_depth Aground Water Depth m
PD1230 m_air_fill Air Fill 1 -99
PD1231 m_air_pump Air Pump 1 -99
PD1232 m_altimeter_status Altimeter Status 1 -99
PD1233 m_altimeter_voltage Altimeter Voltage V
PD1234 m_altitude Altitude m
PD1235 m_altitude_rate Altitude Rate m s-1
PD1236 m_appear_to_be_at_surface Appear to Be at Surface 1 -99
PD1237 m_argos_is_xmitting Argos Is Xmitting 1 -99
PD1238 m_argos_on Argos On 1 -99
PD1239 m_argos_sent_data Argos Sent Data 1 -99
PD1240 m_argos_timestamp Argos Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1970-01-01
PD1241 m_at_risk_depth At Risk Depth m
PD1242 m_avbot_enable Avbot Enable 1 -99
PD1243 m_avbot_power Avbot Power 1 -99
PD1244 m_avg_climb_rate Average Climb Rate m s-1
PD1245 m_avg_depth_rate Average Depth Rate m s-1
PD1246 m_avg_dive_rate Average Dive Rate m s-1
PD1247 m_avg_downward_inflection_time Average Downward Inflection Time s
PD1248 m_avg_speed Average Speed m s-1
PD1249 m_avg_system_clock_lags_gps Average System Clock Lags Gps s
PD1250 m_avg_upward_inflection_time Average Upward Inflection Time s
PD1251 m_avg_yo_time Average Yo Time s
PD1252 m_ballast_pumped Measured Ballast Pumped mL
PD1253 m_ballast_pumped_energy Ballast Pumped Energy J
PD1254 m_ballast_pumped_vel Ballast Pumped Velocity mL s-1
PD1255 m_battery Battery V
PD1256 m_battery_inst Battery Inst V
PD1257 m_battpos Measured Battery Position in
PD1258 m_battpos_vel Battery Position Velocity in s-1
PD1259 m_battroll Battery Roll rad
PD1260 m_battroll_vel Battery Roll Velocity rad s-1
PD1261 m_bpump_fault_bit Bit Pump Fault Status 1 -99
PD1262 m_certainly_at_surface Certainly at Surface 1 -99
PD1263 m_chars_tossed_by_abend Chars Tossed by Abend 1
PD1264 m_chars_tossed_with_cd_off Chars Tossed With CD Off 1
PD1265 m_chars_tossed_with_power_off Chars Tossed With Power Off 1
PD1266 m_climb_tot_time Time to Complete Climb s
PD1267 m_console_cd State of RF Modem Carrier Detect 1 -99
PD1268 m_console_on Power State of RF Modem 1 -99
PD1269 m_cop_tickle COP Is Tickled 1 -99
PD1270 m_coulomb_amphr Measured Integrated Current amp-h
PD1271 m_coulomb_amphr_raw Raw Integrated Current 1
PD1272 m_coulomb_amphr_total Measured Total Persistant Current amp-h
PD1273 m_coulomb_current Measured Instantaneous Current amp
PD1274 m_coulomb_current_raw Raw Coulomb Current 1
PD1275 m_cycle_number Measured Cycle Number 1
PD1276 m_depth Measured Depth m Science Data
PD1277 m_depth_rate Rate of Change of Depth m s-1
PD1278 m_depth_rate_avg_final Final Value of Change of Depth m s-1
PD1279 m_depth_rate_running_avg Running Average of Depth Rate Change m s-1
PD1280 m_depth_rate_running_avg_n Data Sample of Number of Depth Rate Change 1 -99
PD1281 m_depth_rate_subsampled Subsampled Depth Rate Measurement m s-1
PD1282 m_depth_rejected Depth Measure Is Rejected 1 -99
PD1283 m_depth_state Depth State 1 -99
PD1284 m_depth_subsampled Subsampled Depth Measurement m
PD1285 m_device_drivers_called_abnormally Device Drivers Called Abnormally 1
PD1286 m_device_error Device Error 1
PD1287 m_device_oddity Device Oddity 1
PD1288 m_device_warning Device Warning 1
PD1289 m_de_oil_vol Measured Deep Electric Oil Volume mL
PD1290 m_de_oil_vol_pot_voltage De Oil Vol PotVoltage V
PD1291 m_de_pump_fault_count De Pump FaultCount 1
PD1292 m_digifin_cmd_done Digifin Commad Done 1
PD1293 m_digifin_cmd_error Digifin Command Error 1
PD1294 m_digifin_leakdetect_reading Digifin Leak Detect Reading 1
PD1295 m_digifin_motorstep_counter Digifin Motor Step Counter 1
PD1296 m_digifin_resp_data Digifin Respond Data 1
PD1297 m_digifin_status Digifin Status 1
PD1298 m_disk_free Disk Free Mbytes
PD1299 m_disk_usage Disk Usage Mbytes
PD1300 m_dist_to_wpt Distance to WPT m
PD1301 m_dive_depth Dive Depth m
PD1302 m_dive_tot_time Amount of Time to Complete Dive s
PD1303 m_dr_fix_time Surface Drift Fix Time s
PD1304 m_dr_postfix_time Surface Drift Post Fix Time s
PD1305 m_dr_surf_x_lmc Surface Drift LMC X m
PD1306 m_dr_surf_y_lmc Surface Drift LMC Y m
PD1307 m_dr_time Surface Drift Time s
PD1308 m_dr_x_actual_err Surface Drift Actual Error X m
PD1309 m_dr_x_ini_err Surface Drift Initial Error X m
PD1310 m_dr_x_postfix_drift Surface Drift Postfix X m
PD1311 m_dr_x_ta_postfix_drift Surface Drift TA Postfix X m
PD1312 m_dr_y_actual_err Surface Drift Actual Error Y m
PD1313 m_dr_y_ini_err Surface Drift Initial Error Y m
PD1314 m_dr_y_postfix_drift Surface Drift Postfix Y m
PD1315 m_dr_y_ta_postfix_drift Surface Drift TA Postfix Y m
PD1316 m_est_time_to_surface Estimate Time to Surface s
PD1317 m_fin Measured Fin Angle rad
PD1318 m_final_water_vx Final Water VX m s-1
PD1319 m_final_water_vy Final Water VY m s-1
PD1320 m_fin_vel Measured Motor Velocity rad s-1
PD1321 m_fluid_pumped Fluid Pumped mL
PD1322 m_fluid_pumped_aft_hall_voltage Voltage From Aft Hall Sensor V
PD1323 m_fluid_pumped_fwd_hall_voltage Voltage From Forward Hall Sensor V
PD1324 m_fluid_pumped_vel Measured Fluid Pumped Velocity mL s-1
PD1325 m_free_heap Free Heap bytes
PD1326 m_gps_dist_from_dr Distance From Dead Reckoned Position m
PD1327 m_gps_fix_x_lmc GPS Fix X LMC m
PD1328 m_gps_fix_y_lmc GPS Fix Y LMC m
PD1329 m_gps_full_status GPS Full Status 1 -99
PD1330 m_gps_heading GPS Heading rad
PD1331 m_gps_ignored_lat GPS Ignored Latitude degrees
PD1332 m_gps_ignored_lon GPS Ignored Longitude degrees
PD1333 m_gps_invalid_lat GPS Invalid Latitude degrees
PD1334 m_gps_invalid_lon GPS Invalid Longitude degrees
PD1337 m_gps_mag_var GPS Mag Var rad
PD1338 m_gps_num_satellites GPS Number of Satellites 1
PD1339 m_gps_on GPS On 1 -99
PD1340 m_gps_postfix_x_lmc GPS Postfix X Imc m
PD1341 m_gps_postfix_y_lmc GPS Postfix Y Imc m
PD1342 m_gps_speed GPS Speed m s-1
PD1343 m_gps_status GPS Status 1 -99
PD1344 m_gps_toofar_lat GPS Too Far Latitude degrees
PD1345 m_gps_toofar_lon GPS Too Far Longitude degrees
PD1346 m_gps_uncertainty GPS Uncertainty 1
PD1347 m_gps_utc_day GPS UTC Day bytes -99
PD1348 m_gps_utc_hour GPS UTC Hour bytes -99
PD1349 m_gps_utc_minute GPS UTC Minute bytes -99
PD1350 m_gps_utc_month GPS UTC Month bytes -99
PD1351 m_gps_utc_second GPS UTC Second 1
PD1352 m_gps_utc_year GPS UTC Year bytes -99
PD1353 m_gps_x_lmc GPS X Lmc m
PD1354 m_gps_y_lmc GPS Y Lmc m
PD1355 m_hdg_derror HDG Delt Error rad s-1
PD1356 m_hdg_error HDG Error rad
PD1357 m_hdg_ierror HDG Integrated Error rad-sec
PD1358 m_hdg_rate HDG Rate rad s-1
PD1359 m_heading Measured Heading rad
PD1360 m_initial_water_vx Initial Water VX m s-1
PD1361 m_initial_water_vy Initial Water VY m s-1
PD1362 m_iridium_attempt_num Iridium Attempt Num 1
PD1363 m_iridium_call_num Iridium Call Num 1
PD1364 m_iridium_connected Iridium Connected 1 -99
PD1365 m_iridium_console_on Iridium Console On 1 -99
PD1366 m_iridium_dialed_num Iridium Dialed Num 1
PD1367 m_iridium_on Iridium On 1 -99
PD1368 m_iridium_redials Iridium Redials 1
PD1369 m_iridium_signal_strength Iridium Signal Strength 1
PD1370 m_iridium_status Iridium Status 1 -99
PD1371 m_iridium_waiting_redial_delay Iridium Waiting RedialDelay 1 -99
PD1372 m_iridium_waiting_registration Iridium Waiting Registration 1 -99
PD1373 m_is_ballast_pump_moving Is Ballast Pump Moving 1 -99
PD1374 m_is_battpos_moving Is Battpos Moving 1 -99
PD1375 m_is_battroll_moving Is Battroll Moving 1 -99
PD1376 m_is_de_pump_moving Is De Pump Moving 1 -99
PD1377 m_is_fin_moving Is Fin Moving 1 -99
PD1378 m_is_fpitch_pump_moving Is Fpitch Pump Moving 1 -99
PD1379 m_is_speed_estimated Is Speed Estimated 1 -99
PD1380 m_is_thermal_valve_moving Is Thermal Value Moving 1 -99
PD1381 m_last_yo_time Last Yo Time s
PD1382 m_lat Derived Latitude degrees
PD1383 m_leak Leak 1 -99
PD1384 m_leakdetect_voltage Leak Detect Voltage V
PD1385 m_leakdetect_voltage_forward Leak Detect Voltage Forward V
PD1386 m_leak_forward Leak Forward 1 -99
PD1387 m_lithium_battery_relative_charge Lithium Battery Relative Charge, % %
PD1388 m_lithium_battery_status Lithium Battery Status 1
PD1389 m_lithium_battery_time_to_charge Lithium Battery Time to Charge min
PD1390 m_lithium_battery_time_to_discharge Lithium Battery Time to Discharge min
PD1391 m_lon Derived Longitude degrees
PD1392 m_min_free_heap Minimun Free Heap bytes
PD1393 m_min_spare_heap Minimun Spare Heap bytes
PD1394 m_mission_avg_speed_climbing Mission Avgerage Speed Climbing m s-1
PD1395 m_mission_avg_speed_diving Mission Avgerage Speed Diving m s-1
PD1396 m_mission_start_time Mission Start Time, UTC seconds since 1970-01-01
PD1397 m_num_half_yos_in_segment Number of Half YOS in Segment 1
PD1398 m_pitch Measured Pitch rad
PD1399 m_pitch_energy Pitch Energy J
PD1400 m_pitch_error Pitch Error rad
PD1401 m_present_secs_into_mission Elapsed Mission Time s
PD1402 m_present_time Time at the Start of the Cycle seconds since 1970-01-01
PD1403 m_pressure Seawater Pressure bar
PD1404 m_pressure_raw_voltage_sample0 Pressure Raw Voltage Sample 0 V
PD1405 m_pressure_raw_voltage_sample19 Pressure Raw Voltage Sample19 V
PD1406 m_pressure_voltage Pressure Voltage V
PD1407 m_raw_altitude Raw Altitude m
PD1408 m_raw_altitude_rejected Raw Altitude Rejected 1 -99
PD1409 m_roll Roll rad
PD1410 m_science_clothesline_lag Science Clothesline Lag s
PD1411 m_science_on Science On 1 -99
PD1412 m_science_ready_for_consci Clothesline Ready for Consci 1 -99
PD1413 m_science_sent_some_data Science Sent Some Data 1
PD1414 m_science_sync_time Science Sync Time, UTC seconds since 1970-01-01
PD1415 m_science_unreadiness_for_consci Science Unreadiness for Consci 1 -99
PD1416 m_spare_heap Spare Heap bytes
PD1417 m_speed Measured Speed m s-1
PD1418 m_stable_comms Commands Are Stable 1 -99
PD1419 m_strobe_ctrl Strobe Light 1 -99
PD1420 m_surface_est_cmd Commanded to Surface 1
PD1421 m_surface_est_ctd Ctd Pressure 1
PD1422 m_surface_est_fw FreewaveHas Carrier 1
PD1423 m_surface_est_gps GPS Talking to Satellite 1
PD1424 m_surface_est_irid Iridium Has Carrier 1
PD1425 m_surface_est_total Sum of Surface Estimate 1
PD1426 m_system_clock_lags_gps System Clock Lags GPS s
PD1427 m_tcm3_is_calibrated Compass Calibration Status Flag 1 -99
PD1428 m_tcm3_magbearth Earth's Magnetic Field uT
PD1429 m_tcm3_poll_time TCM3 Poll Time ms
PD1430 m_tcm3_recv_start_time TCM3 Recv Start Time ms
PD1431 m_tcm3_recv_stop_time TCM3 Recv Stop Time ms
PD1432 m_tcm3_stddeverr TCM3 Standard Deviation Error uT
PD1433 m_tcm3_xcoverage TCM3 X Coverage, % %
PD1434 m_tcm3_ycoverage TCM3 Y Coverage, % %
PD1435 m_tcm3_zcoverage TCM3 Z Coverage, % %
PD1436 m_thermal_acc_pres Thermal Acc Pressure bar
PD1437 m_thermal_acc_pres_voltage Thermal Acc Pressure Voltage V
PD1438 m_thermal_acc_vol Thermal Acc Volume mL
PD1439 m_thermal_enuf_acc_vol Thermal Enuf Acc Volume 1 -99
PD1440 m_thermal_pump Thermal Pump 1 -99
PD1441 m_thermal_updown Thermal Up/Down 1 -99
PD1442 m_thermal_valve Thermal Valve 1 -99
PD1443 m_time_til_wpt Time Til WPT s
PD1444 m_tot_ballast_pumped_energy Ballast Pumped Energy kJ
PD1445 m_tot_horz_dist Horizontal DIstance km
PD1446 m_tot_num_inflections Number of Inflections 1
PD1447 m_tot_on_time Powered on Time d
PD1448 m_vacuum Vacuum inHg
PD1449 m_vehicle_temp Vehicle Temperature ºC
PD1450 m_veh_overheat Vehicle Over Heat 1 -99
PD1451 m_veh_temp Veh Temperture ºC
PD1452 m_vmg_to_wpt VMG to WPT m s-1
PD1453 m_vx_lmc VX Lmc m s-1
PD1454 m_vy_lmc VY Lmc m s-1
PD1455 m_water_cond Seawater Conductivity S m-1
PD1456 m_water_delta_vx Water Delta VX m s-1
PD1457 m_water_delta_vy Water Delta VY m s-1
PD1458 m_water_depth Seawater Depth m
PD1459 m_water_pressure Seawater Pressure bar
PD1460 m_water_temp Seawater Temperature ºC
PD1461 m_water_vx Seawater Velocity - X Component m s-1
PD1462 m_water_vy Seawater Velocity - Y Component m s-1
PD1463 m_why_started How GliderDos Started 1 -99
PD1464 m_x_lmc X Lmc m
PD1465 m_y_lmc Y Lmc m
PD1466 x_last_wpt_lat X Last WPT Latitude degrees
PD1467 x_last_wpt_lon X Last WPT Longitude degrees
PD1468 x_system_clock_adjusted System Clock Adjusted s