Data Stream Report

Instrument Name
Reference Designator
Stream Type
Stream Content
Data Products
Uframe Route


Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
10/30/14, 1:47 AM 12/3/14, 5:52 PM

Data gap under investigation. Redmine 12133

Id: 1293 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
12/7/14, 3:59 PM 12/16/14, 1:07 PM

Data gap under investigation. Redmine 12133

Id: 1298 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
2/1/15, 3:36 PM 2/3/15, 4:56 AM

Data gap under investigation. Redmine 12133

Id: 1302 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
2/26/15, 12:01 PM 3/2/15, 3:03 PM

Data gap under investigation. Redmine 12133

Id: 1303 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
3/7/15, 6:10 PM 3/9/15, 3:39 AM

Data gap under investigation. Redmine 12133

Id: 1305 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
3/30/15, 1:11 PM 4/1/15, 1:37 PM

Data gap under investigation.

Id: 1307 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
4/9/15, 2:26 PM 4/13/15, 4:52 PM

Data gap under investigation. Redmine 12133

Id: 1308 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
6/4/15, 8:00 AM 7/8/15, 3:00 PM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual values during this time period make the data suspect.

Id: 1350 By: friedrich.knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
6/19/15, 6:02 PM 6/22/15, 1:11 PM

Data gap under investigation. Redmine 12133

Id: 1310 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
7/1/15, 12:46 PM 7/3/15, 5:12 PM

Data gap under investigation. Redmine 12133

Id: 1311 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
7/9/15, 12:16 AM 7/13/16, 8:00 PM

Due to errors during vendor calibration, a calibration offset (CC_offset) of -5.77 is being applied during the on-demand creation of the L1 Seawater Pressure (dbar) data product from this instrument. For more information please contact

Id: 212 By: friedrich.knuth

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
2/18/16, 4:20 AM 3/8/16, 11:42 PM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual L0 conductivity values from the CTD throughout the entire water column during this time period make the values suspect.

Id: 1351 By: knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
4/15/16, 6:10 PM 4/20/16, 11:15 AM

Data gap under investigation. Redmine 12133

Id: 1323 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
4/20/16, 2:34 PM 4/22/16, 10:44 AM

Data gap under investigation. Redmine 12133

Id: 1324 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
4/22/16, 1:46 PM 4/24/16, 10:24 PM

Data gap under investigation. Redmine 12133

Id: 1325 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
4/24/16, 10:24 PM 5/1/16, 11:30 AM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual L0 conductivity values from the CTD throughout the entire water column during this time period make the values suspect.

Id: 1352 By: knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
5/6/16, 7:32 AM 5/6/16, 5:26 PM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual values during this time period make the data suspect.

Id: 1353 By: friedrich.knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
5/6/16, 5:26 PM 5/7/16, 10:48 AM

Intermittent data gaps. Cause unknown and under investigation.

Id: 1330 By: knuth

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
6/10/16, 1:47 PM 6/12/16, 10:01 AM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual values during this time period make the data suspect.

Id: 1354 By: friedrich.knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
7/7/16, 6:49 PM 7/9/16, 11:29 AM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual values during this time period make the data suspect.

Id: 1355 By: friedrich.knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
8/30/16, 11:06 AM 9/3/16, 9:39 PM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual values during this time period make the data suspect.

Id: 1356 By: friedrich.knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
9/14/16, 4:20 AM 9/14/16, 6:00 PM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual values during this time period make the data suspect.

Id: 1357 By: friedrich.knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
1/11/17, 2:46 PM 1/12/17, 12:00 PM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual values during this time period make the data suspect.

Id: 1360 By: friedrich.knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
1/11/17, 4:41 PM 1/12/17, 5:13 AM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual values during this time period make the data suspect.

Id: 1358 By: friedrich.knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
1/12/17, 8:00 AM 1/12/17, 12:00 PM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual L0 conductivity values from the CTD throughout the entire water column during this time period make the values suspect.

Id: 1359 By: knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_sbe43_sample
1/13/17, 3:13 AM 1/13/17, 4:32 PM

Data values are within plausible ranges, but lower than usual values during this time period make the data suspect.

Id: 1361 By: friedrich.knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No


Id Parameter Display Name Standard Name Unit Fill Value Precision Identifier Type Level
PD5 density Seawater Density sea_water_density kg m-3 -9999999 DENSITY_L2 Science Data L2
PD7 time Time, UTC time seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD10 port_timestamp Port Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD11 driver_timestamp Driver Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD12 internal_timestamp Internal Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD13 practical_salinity Practical Salinity sea_water_practical_salinity 1 -9999999 PRACSAL_L2 Science Data L2
PD16 preferred_timestamp Preferred Timestamp 1 empty
PD193 temperature Seawater Temperature Measurement counts -9999999 TEMPWAT_L0 Unprocessed Data L0
PD194 conductivity Seawater Conductivity Measurement counts -9999999 CONDWAT_L0 Unprocessed Data L0
PD195 pressure Seawater Pressure Measurement counts -9999999 PRESWAT_L0 Unprocessed Data L0
PD196 pressure_temp Seawater Pressure Measurement counts -9999999
PD863 ingestion_timestamp Ingestion Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999
PD908 seawater_temperature Seawater Temperature sea_water_temperature ºC -9999999 TEMPWAT_L1 Science Data L1
PD909 seawater_pressure Seawater Pressure sea_water_pressure dbar -9999999 PRESWAT_L1 Science Data L1
PD910 seawater_conductivity Seawater Conductivity sea_water_electrical_conductivity S m-1 -9999999 CONDWAT_L1 Science Data L1
PD2310 ext_volt0 External Voltage Reading From Oxygen Sensor counts -999999999
PD3777 corrected_dissolved_oxygen DO - Pressure Temp Sal Corrected (CTD) µmol kg-1 -9999999 DOCONCF_L2 Science Data L2