Data Stream Report

Instrument Name
Single Point Velocity Meter
Reference Designator
Stream Type
Stream Content
Uframe Route


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Id Parameter Display Name Standard Name Unit Fill Value Precision Identifier Type Level
PD7 time Time, UTC time seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD10 port_timestamp Port Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD11 driver_timestamp Driver Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD12 internal_timestamp Internal Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999999
PD16 preferred_timestamp Preferred Timestamp 1 empty
PD93 date_time_string Date and Time String 1 empty
PD113 firmware_version Firmware Version 1 empty
PD461 instrmt_type_serial_number Instrument Type and Serial Number 1 empty
PD465 pic_version PIC Code Version Number 1 -9999
PD466 hardware_revision Hardware Revision 1 -9999
PD467 recorder_size Recorder Size (*65536 Bytes) bytes -9999
PD468 velocity_range Velocity Range 1 -99
PD470 pressure_sensor Pressure Sensor 1 -99
PD471 magnetometer_sensor Magnetometer Sensor 1 -99
PD472 tilt_sensor Tilt Sensor 1 -99
PD473 tilt_sensor_mounting Tilt Sensor Mounting 1 -99
PD474 head_frequency Head Frequency kHz -9999
PD475 head_type Head Type 1 -9999
PD476 head_serial_number Head Serial Number 1 empty
PD478 number_beams Number Beams 1 -9999
PD479 transmit_pulse_length Transmit Pulse Length counts 0
PD480 blanking_distance Blanking Distance counts 0
PD481 receive_length Receive Length counts 0
PD482 time_between_pings Time Between Pings counts 0
PD483 time_between_bursts Time Between Bursts counts 0
PD485 average_interval Average Interval s -9999
PD496 compass_update_rate Compass Update Rate Hz -9999
PD497 coordinate_system Coordinate System 1 -99
PD498 number_cells Number Cells 1 -9999
PD500 measurement_interval Measurement Interval s -9999
PD501 deployment_name Deployment Name 1 empty
PD504 diagnostics_interval Diagnostics Interval s -9999
PD505 use_specified_sound_speed Use Specified Sound Speed 1 -99
PD506 diagnostics_mode_enable Diagnostics Mode Enable 1 -99
PD507 analog_output_enable Analog Output Enable 1 -99
PD508 output_format_nortek Output Format Nortek 1 -99
PD509 scaling Scaling 1 -99
PD510 serial_output_enable Serial Output Enable 1 -99
PD511 stage_enable Stage Enable 1 -99
PD512 analog_power_output Analog Power Output 1 -99
PD513 sound_speed_adjust_factor Sound Speed Adjust Factor m s-1 -9999
PD514 number_diagnostics_samples Number Diagnostics Samples 1 -9999
PD516 number_pings_diagnostic Number Pings Diagnostic 1 -9999
PD520 software_version Software Version 1 -9999
PD533 correlation_threshold Correlation Threshold 1 -9999
PD863 ingestion_timestamp Ingestion Timestamp, UTC seconds since 1900-01-01 -9999
PD2931 number_of_beam_sequences Number of Beam Sequences Per Burst counts -9999
PD2932 number_of_beams_in_diagnostics_mode Number of Beams in Diagnostics Mode counts -9999
PD2933 reserved_bit_easyq Reserved Bit - EasyQ 1 -99