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Instrument Series: CTDPF-A

Instrument Name
Science Discipline
Class Description

A CTD is so named as it measures Conductivity, Temperature and Depth. These parameters can then be used to calculate salinity and density. CTD Profiler sensors are mounted on a profiler.

Series Description
SBE 16plusV2

Website Info

Deployed Instruments

Reference Designator Site Name Node Name Instrument Name Start Depth End Depth
CE04OSPS-PC01B-4A-CTDPFA109 Oregon Offshore Cabled Shallow Profiler Mooring 200m Platform (PC01B) CTD 200 200
CE04OSPS-SF01B-2A-CTDPFA107 Oregon Offshore Cabled Shallow Profiler Mooring Shallow Profiler (SF01B) CTD 20 200
RS01SBPS-PC01A-4A-CTDPFA103 Oregon Slope Base Shallow Profiler Mooring 200m Platform (PC01A) CTD 200 200
RS01SBPS-SF01A-2A-CTDPFA102 Oregon Slope Base Shallow Profiler Mooring Shallow Profiler (SF01A) CTD 5 200
RS03AXPS-PC03A-4A-CTDPFA303 Axial Base Shallow Profiler Mooring 200m Platform (PC03A) CTD 200 200
RS03AXPS-SF03A-2A-CTDPFA302 Axial Base Shallow Profiler Mooring Shallow Profiler (SF03A) CTD 5 200