
Reference Designator
Review Status
Review Complete
Data generally look suspect for all deployments because of the prevalence of negative values - did not calculate final data ranges.
NUTNR (Nitrate)
Make / Model
Satlantic / ISUS

Dataset Reviews Last processed: 7/22/19, 2:18 PM

QC Check Info
Dep. Preferred Method Stream DD FD SG EG Gaps GD TS Rate (s) Pressure Comp. Time Order Valid Data Missing Data Data Comp. Missing Coords. Review
1 recovered_host 150 149 0 0 0 0 21,324 1 7 / 1 2 3 Complete
2 recovered_host 168 1 0 166 0 0 66 1 7 / 4 2 3 Complete
3 recovered_inst 205 205 0 0 0 0 107,545 1 7 / 5 6 3 Complete
4 recovered_inst 139 13 0 126 0 0 5,550 7 / 7 7 3 Complete
5 recovered_inst 240 240 0 0 0 0 119,632 1 7 / 8 6 3 Complete
6 recovered_inst 150 150 0 0 0 0 66,117 1 7 / 7 7 3 Complete
7 recovered_inst 153 153 0 0 0 0 36,949 7 / 7 3 Complete
Data Ranges Review Images

Test Notes

  1. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [1] days: [136])
  2. fail: check ['Nitrate Concentration - Temp and Sal Corrected']
  3. missing: ['pressure']
  4. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [2] days: [2])
  5. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [25, 8073] days: [25, 8073])
  6. fail: check ['Nitrate Concentration - Temp and Sal Corrected', 'Dissolved Nitrate Concentration', 'Nitrate Concentration - Temp and Sal Corrected', 'Dissolved Nitrate Concentration']
  7. no comparison: timestamps do not match
  8. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [10743, 11158] days: [10751, 11158])

Data Coverage

Deployment: 1234567

Lat/Lon Differences (km)

Deployment: 1234567
1 0.00
2 0.510.00
3 0.560.790.00
4 0.490.120.850.00
5 0.580.820.030.880.00
6 0.460.200.880.080.910.00
7 0.540.750.050.810.080.840.00

System Annotations

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
Method: telemetered
10/22/15, 3:38 PM 5/13/16, 1:18 PM

Fuel cell impacted available instrument power, so telemetered data are not available or reliable. Recovered data are available for instruments that could record internally.

Id: 1362 By: leila

3/24/18, 10:37 AM

UPDATED, 2019-03-25: The Satlantic ISUS instrument has been discontinued, and all OOI ISUS units have been converted to the Sea-Bird SUNA model as of the start date/time of this annotation.

Id: 1416 By: lgarzio

Method: telemetered
1/30/19, 10:00 AM 4/8/19, 7:39 AM

CP04OSSM D00009 buoy broke free and went adrift on 1/30/2019, 1500UTC. All instruments on the MFN ceased telemetry on 1/30/2019 and instruments on the buoy/NSIF continued to sample through 2/1/2019. No more telemetered data expected for this deployment.

Id: 1557 By: cdobson

9/29/19, 10:46 AM

Deployment 11: Delivery of telemetered data from instruments on DCL26 could potentially be delayed up to 24 hours.

Id: 1733 By: cdobson

Review Notes

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

Missing data should be annotated.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/23/19


Data generally look suspect for all deployments of this instrument (the ISUS model) because of the prevalence of negative values. The dataset should be annotated if there is a known issue with this instrument to inform users if all or some data should be considered suspect.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/23/19


There is no pressure variable in the .nc files. This should be a coordinate.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/23/19

Deployment: 1

recovered_inst data aren't available for download for this deployment. According to the ingest csv, the raw data files aren't available due to possible instrument failure. This should be annotated in the system.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/23/19

Deployment: 1
12/12/14, 9:47 PM 5/10/15, 12:00 AM

Suspect data - 100% of the values for salinity_corrected_nitrate are outside of global ranges (50-70 umol L-1).

By Lori Garzio, on 7/23/19

Deployment: 2

recovered_inst data aren't available for download for this deployment. The dataset should be annotated to explain why.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/23/19

Deployment: 3

There are a lot of unreasonable values and outliers throughout this deployment.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/23/19

Deployment: 4
5/27/16, 3:50 PM 10/12/16, 5:12 PM

Suspect data - 100% and 69% of the values for salinity_corrected_nitrate and nitrate_concentration are outside of global ranges. Possible biofouling towards the end of the deployment.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/23/19

Deployment: 5
10/12/16, 2:26 PM 6/8/17, 12:05 PM

Suspect data - 33% of the values for nitrate_concentration are outside of global ranges (negative). Possible biofouling.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/23/19

Deployment: 6
6/6/17, 2:51 PM 11/2/17, 2:15 PM

Suspect data - 22% and 90% of the values for salinity_corrected_nitrate and nitrate_concentration are outside of global ranges.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/23/19

Deployment: 7
10/28/17, 2:24 PM 3/29/18, 12:42 PM

Suspect data - 47% and 48% of the values for salinity_corrected_nitrate and nitrate_concentration are outside of global ranges.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/23/19

New Note