Dep. | Preferred Method | Stream | DD | FD | SG | EG | Gaps | GD | TS | Rate (s) | Pressure Comp. | Time Order | Valid Data | Missing Data | Data Comp. | Missing Coords. | Review |
2 | recovered_host | 361 | 185 | 0 | 157 | 4 | 20 | 4,273 | 3,600 | 80 / | 1 | Complete | |||||
3 | recovered_host | 445 | 242 | 0 | 203 | 0 | 0 | 5,640 | 3,600 | 80 / | 1 | Complete |
Deployment: | 2 | 3 |
51% | 54% |
Deployment: | 2 | 3 |
2 | 0.00 | |
3 | 11.91 | 0.00 |
Metadata | Start Date | End Date | Comment |
3/15/15, 5:25 PM | 11/26/15, 5:08 AM |
Deployment 1: Buoy log files showed that seawater was first detected inside the buoy well on 3/26/2015. Both leak detectors showed increasing presence of water over the period of deployment. Upon recovery of the mooring, no external damage was visible and the buoy did not appear to be floating lower than normal. Id: 653 By: lgarzio |
11/14/15, 4:06 PM | 1/13/18, 7:00 PM |
UPDATED 2020-06-19: The data calculation issue was resolved on 15 Feb 2019. * Dissolved Oxygen concentrations are currently not being calculated due to a function error. Issue under investigation (Redmine 13228). Id: 784 By: lgarzio |
10/26/16, 9:47 PM | 1/14/18, 5:24 AM |
* UPDATED 2020-06-19: Deployment 3: The calibration data has been corrected so O2 data products for this deployment are now correct. * The derived O2 products (L1 Temperature Compensated and L2 Salinity Corrected Dissolved Oxygen) are suspect, due to errors during vendor calibration. Until a correction can be applied, they should not be used from 10/27/2016 onwards. Id: 87 By: lgarzio |
Metadata | Start Date | End Date | Comment |
Deployments 2 and 3: there is no pressure variable in the netCDF files. This should be a coordinate. By Lori Garzio, on 2/8/19 |
Annotation ID 784 should be removed - Redmine issue 13228 has been resolved. By Lori Garzio, on 2/19/19 |
The dissolved oxygen data product (dosta_analog_tc_oxygen) has no global ranges. These should be added to the system. By Lori Garzio, on 2/19/19 |
The missing data at the end of deployments 2 and 3 should be annotated (the CTD to which the instrument was connected failed). By Lori Garzio, on 2/19/19 |
12/4/15, 12:00 AM | 3/14/16, 12:00 AM |
Deployment 2: The recovered_host data from the following instruments have the same 4 data gaps [['2015-12-04', '2015-12-14'], ['2016-01-06', '2016-01-11'], ['2016-02-05', '2016-02-10'], ['2016-03-11', '2016-03-14']]. These gaps should be annotated to explain why the data are missing, or gaps should be filled in if the data are available. [02-FLORDG031, 02-FLORDG032, 02-FLORDG033, 02-DOSTAD031, 02-DOSTAD032, 02-DOSTAD033] By Lori Garzio, on 2/11/19 |
GA01SUMO-RII11-02-DOSTAD032 Deployment: 2 |
4/21/16, 12:00 AM | 6/4/16, 4:01 AM |
Optode temperature and dissolved oxygen values start to become unreasonable. This issue should be investigated and annotated. By Lori Garzio, on 2/19/19 |
GA01SUMO-RII11-02-DOSTAD032 Deployment: 3 |
10/27/16, 1:47 AM | 1/14/18, 10:24 AM |
According to annotation ID 87, the data from this deployment are suspect due to a vendor calibration error. When this issue is resolved the annotation should be updated. By Lori Garzio, on 2/19/19 |