Dissolved Oxygen

Reference Designator
Review Status
Review Complete
0 to 200m
DOSTA (Dissolved Oxygen Stable Response)
Make / Model
Aanderaa / Optode 4831

Dataset Reviews Last processed: 9/4/19, 7:20 PM

QC Check Info
Dep. Preferred Method Stream DD FD SG EG Gaps GD TS Rate (s) Pressure Comp. Time Order Valid Data Missing Data Data Comp. Missing Coords. Review
1 telemetered 313 231 0 82 0 0 83,743 15 200 / 212 1 1 Complete
Data Ranges Review Images

Test Notes

  1. no other streams for comparison

Data Coverage

Deployment: 1

Deployment Map

System Annotations

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
10/31/16, 9:58 PM 6/18/17, 11:55 PM

Evidence of biofouling: caused degraded steering and slow ascent rates. Glider went adrift and stopped collecting science data on 6/19/2017. Glider was not recovered - only telemetered data are available.

Id: 171 By: lgarzio

Review Notes

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

Glider optodes typically exhibit a sensor lag of 20-25 seconds. Example attached of several segments with consecutive down and up casts for CP05MOAS-GL335-04-DOSTAM000 on 10/26/2015 showing a typical measurement time lag. Profiles should be analyzed for individual time lags and data should be adjusted. OOI doesn't necessarily need to make the adjustment but users should be aware of the issue.

By Lori Garzio, on 5/31/19

Deployment: 1

Suspect data - 5% of the sci_water_pressure values are negative. This should be investigated and annotated

By Lori Garzio, on 9/18/19

New Note