Dissolved Oxygen

Reference Designator
Start Depth
End Depth
Multi-Function Node
Current Status
Review Complete
DOSTA (Dissolved Oxygen Stable Response)
Science Discipline
Optode 4831
M2M Example
Method Data Stream Content Type
recovered_host dosta_abcdjm_dcl_instrument_recovered Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
telemetered dosta_abcdjm_dcl_instrument Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
Deployment Cruise Start Date Stop Date Mooring Asset Node Asset Sensor Asset Latitude Longitude Deployment Depth Water Depth
1 Review KN-224 12/12/2014 05/10/2015 CGMCP-04OSSM-00001 CGINS-DOSTAD-00376 39.9362 -70.8803 454 455
2 Review AT-27 05/10/2015 10/23/2015 CGMCP-04OSSM-00002 CGINS-DOSTAD-00412 39.9406 -70.8785 441 442
3 Review AT-31 10/22/2015 05/13/2016 CGMCP-04OSSM-00003 CGINS-DOSTAD-00512 39.9373 -70.8867 453 454
4 Review AR-04 05/27/2016 10/12/2016 CGMCP-04OSSM-00004 CGINS-DOSTAD-00518 39.94 -70.8774 445 446
5 Review AR-08 10/12/2016 06/08/2017 CGMCP-04OSSM-00005 CGINS-DOSTAD-00508 39.9371 -70.887 449 450
6 Review AR-18 06/06/2017 11/02/2017 CGMCP-04OSSM-00006 CGINS-DOSTAD-00518 39.9394 -70.8768 442 443
7 Review AR-24 10/28/2017 03/29/2018 CGMCP-04OSSM-00007 CGINS-DOSTAD-00427 39.9376 -70.8863 451 452
8 Review AR-28 03/24/2018 10/30/2018 CGMCP-04OSSM-00008 CGINS-DOSTAD-00467 39.9391 -70.8764 444 445
9 Review AR-31 10/25/2018 04/08/2019 CGMCP-04OSSM-00009 CGINS-DOSTAD-00439 39.9361 -70.885 448 449
10 Review AR-34 04/05/2019 09/28/2019 CGMCP-04OSSM-00010 CGINS-DOSTAD-00376 39.9399 -70.8774 450 451
11 Review AR-39 09/29/2019 CGMCP-04OSSM-00011 CGINS-DOSTAD-00428 39.9368 -70.8865 446 447
Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
Deployment: 1

There are only a few data points available for this deployment. Data should be annotated to explain what the issue was.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/4/19

Deployment: 2

recovered_host data aren't available for this deployment. According to the ingest csv, the raw data files are available, although the files aren't specified in the file path. Data should be ingested or annotated to indicate why they aren't available. There are only 3 days of telemetered data available.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/4/19

Deployment: 2
5/9/15, 1:04 AM 5/10/15, 6:00 AM

Suspect data at the beginning of the deployment. Excluding from summary data ranges.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/4/19

Deployment: 4

The pressure coordinate is missing from the .nc file for deployment 4

By Lori Garzio, on 4/4/19

Deployment: 6
6/6/17, 2:51 PM 11/2/17, 2:15 PM

The dissolved oxygen data products that are corrected for temperature (DO - Pressure Temp Sal Corrected and DO - Temp Corrected) are anomalously low (<50) compared to values from other deployments. Saturation and DO data not corrected for temperature are within the same ranges as data from other deployments, suggesting something is wrong with the temperature correction for his deployment.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/4/19

New Note

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
Method: telemetered
10/22/15, 3:38 PM 5/13/16, 1:18 PM

Fuel cell impacted available instrument power, so telemetered data are not available or reliable. Recovered data are available for instruments that could record internally.

Id: 1362 By: leila

10/16/16, 8:00 PM 4/2/17, 9:00 PM

No telemetered data are expected because of ground faults on the seafloor Multi-Function Node. Recovered data are available from instruments recording internally.

Id: 356 By: leila

6/28/17, 5:00 AM 10/29/17, 3:00 AM

No telemetered data expected because the DSL line has failed.

Id: 358 By: leila

Method: telemetered
2/9/18, 1:02 PM 3/29/18, 8:42 AM

Deployment 7: Communication with the MFN instruments was disabled due to intermittent communications over the DSL line.

Id: 938 By: leila
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: telemetered
5/9/18, 11:00 PM 10/30/18, 10:30 AM

Instruments are presently disabled. Note: Instruments may continue to sample using internal batteries and storage cards.

Id: 1518 By: leila

Method: telemetered
1/30/19, 10:00 AM 4/8/19, 7:39 AM

CP04OSSM D00009 buoy broke free and went adrift on 1/30/2019, 1500UTC. All instruments on the MFN ceased telemetry on 1/30/2019 and instruments on the buoy/NSIF continued to sample through 2/1/2019. No more telemetered data expected for this deployment.

Id: 1557 By: cdobson

5/11/19, 8:00 PM

Deployment 10: Telemetered data from all MFN instruments could be delayed up to 3 days due to a limitation in communications with the MFN.

Id: 1629 By: cdobson

11/14/19, 7:00 PM

Deployment 11: MFN offline due to high voltage short on 2019-11-15. No telemetered data expected from instruments on the MFN; instruments with external batteries will continue to log internally.

Id: 1820 By: cdobson
Flag: not_operational Exclude: No