Profiler Controller

Reference Designator
Start Depth
End Depth
Current Status
WFPEN (Profiler Controller)
Science Discipline
M2M Example
Method Data Stream Content Type
recovered_wfp wfp_eng_stc_imodem_engineering_recovered Engineering Data Report M2M Engineering
recovered_wfp wfp_eng_stc_imodem_start_time_recovered Start Time Data Report M2M Engineering
recovered_wfp wfp_eng_stc_imodem_status_recovered Status Data Report M2M Engineering
telemetered wfp_eng_wfp_sio_mule_engineering Engineering Data Report M2M Engineering
telemetered wfp_eng_wfp_sio_mule_start_time Start Time Data Report M2M Engineering
telemetered wfp_eng_wfp_sio_mule_status Status Data Report M2M Engineering
Deployment Cruise Start Date Stop Date Mooring Asset Node Asset Sensor Asset Latitude Longitude Deployment Depth Water Depth
1 Review KN221-04 09/11/2014 08/16/2015 CGMGI-02HYPM-00001 CGVEH-GWFPGX-10401 CGCON-GWFPGX-10401 59.9753 -39.4818 2592 2678
2 Review AT30-01 08/16/2015 07/16/2016 CGMGI-02HYPM-00002 CGVEH-GWFPGX-77401 CGCON-GWFPGX-77401 59.9727 -39.5248 2592 2667
3 Review AR7-01 07/11/2016 08/10/2017 CGMGI-02HYPM-00003 CGVEH-GWFPGX-10401 CGCON-GWFPGX-10401 59.9695 -39.4886 2573 2673
4 Review AR21 08/06/2017 06/16/2018 CGMGI-02HYPM-00004 CGVEH-GWFPGX-77401 CGCON-GWFPGX-77401 59.9733 -39.9256 2560 2659
5 Review AR30-03 06/09/2018 08/10/2019 CGMGI-02HYPM-00005 CGVEH-GWFPGX-10401 CGCON-GWFPGX-10401 59.9697 -39.49 2560 2669
6 Review AR35-05 08/06/2019 CGMGI-02HYPM-00006 CGVEH-GWFPGX-77401 CGCON-GWFPGX-77401 59.9729 -39.5308 2560 2664
Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

Missing data at the end of deployment 4 should be annotated.

By Lori Garzio, on 8/5/19


I submitted a helpdesk question on 11/12/2018 regarding an offset between recovered and telemetered data for all global HYPMs: "There appears to be a substantial offset between data with the same timestamps from recovered_wfp and telemetered methods for all deployments of all global WFP CTDs, and I have included information from two representative deployments of two different profilers as examples. It looks like the values recorded for the first common timestamp are exactly the same, and as the profiler moves along in time the offset between the values recorded for the same timestamp become increasingly more offset. Then, the profiler reaches the end of the profile (either at its shallowest or deepest point), resets, and the pattern begins again. This is most easily seen in the pressure data, but there is an offset for all science parameters.

GI02HYPM-WFP02-04-CTDPFL000 deployment 1
GP02HYPM-WFP02-04-CTDPFL000 deployment 3

The *_intersect.csv files attached contain data where recovered and telemetered timestamps intersect. For each timestamp and science parameter there are recorded values (from .nc files downloaded from the system) and the difference. For each parameter, the difference between the values at the bottom and top of the profiler's range are exactly zero, and (particularly for pressure) the differences steadily increase until they are reset at zero at the bottom/top of the profile. This pattern continues throughout the deployment. The plots attached are zoomed in to one upcast and one downcast, and highlight the offset in the data between the two methods."

Redmine 13743

By Lori Garzio, on 8/5/19

New Note

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
6/28/16, 2:10 AM 7/15/16, 8:00 PM

Deployment 2: Profiler failed.

Id: 119 By: lgarzio
Flag: not_operational Exclude: No

7/12/17, 3:30 AM 8/10/17, 6:18 AM

Deployment 3: Profiler failed.

Id: 120 By: lgarzio
Flag: not_operational Exclude: No

12/31/19, 7:00 PM

Deployment 6: Due to a clock rollover issue, all WFPs have ceased sampling on 1/1/2020. No WFP data are being collected after this date. A resolution is being researched by the vendor.

Id: 1888 By: cdobson