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    Deployment: 6

    change in the sampling rate from 10 to 900 s

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/28/19

    Deployment: 4

    3 days gap right before the end-date of deployment are not annotated in the system.

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/28/19

    Deployment: 2

    annotation IDs: 743 & 744 for the 2 gaps identified in the data are incomplete.

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/28/19


    for all deployments data on from different recovery methods cannot be compared because the timestamps do not match.

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/28/19

    Deployment: 7

    surface current direction data do not match when comparing recoverd and telemetered data.

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/28/19

    Deployment: 7

    Why are some telemetered data in March 2018 missing from recovered_host? see example plot.

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/28/19

    Deployment: 6

    Why are some telemetered data in the interval [2017-09-23 , 2017-09-27] missing from recovered_host? see example plot.

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/28/19


    for all deployment met_netlirr data in the metbk_hourly stream have no valid data. Data in files are either nans, fill values, or outside global ranges [200.0, 500.0].

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/27/19

    Deployment: 2

    data gap not annotated in the system:
    '2015-09-18T18:30:55', '2015-09-29T10:35:57'

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/27/19


    Dissolved oxygen recorded by the instrument is lower than dissolved oxygen recorded by the sensor on the shipboard CTD casts (where there is instrument data and data from a shipboard CTD cast in the same time range: D0001, R0001, D0002).

    By Lori Garzio, on 2/22/19


    Deployments 2 and 3: Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the beginning of both deployments seem reasonable, then quickly decline. It appears that the biofouling of the surface buoy negatively impacted the quality of the data for both deployments. I compared the instrument data to shipboard data from D0002 (nbp1510_010.cnv) and R0003 (at3903007.cnv). The shipboard CTD data are not available for the GA3 cruise - R0002 and D0003 (these files should be uploaded to alfresco). From the comparisons I was able to do, it appears that the instrument was recording values within a reasonable range at the beginning of the deployment, and unreasonably low values at the end of the deployment (compared to the shipboard CTD data). These data should be annotated as suspect.

    By Lori Garzio, on 2/22/19


    Annotation missing - The data record ended long before the deployment ended:
    228 out of 365 days are missing.

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/20/19


    pressure coordinate is missing in the netCDF files

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/20/19

    Deployment: 2

    There is a problem with the thermistor temperature data between recovered_inst and recoverd_host. The difference between the tow records is between 2 and 4 units for all data. For the pH data, the difference can be around 1 unit.

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 2/18/19


    The missing data at the end of deployments 2 and 3 should be annotated (the CTD to which the instrument was connected failed).

    By Lori Garzio, on 2/11/19

    Deployment: 3
    4/27/17, 12:00 AM 1/14/18, 10:24 AM

    Annotation ID 432 should be updated to include the time range, and more information regarding the instrument failure (the CTD to which the instrument was connected failed). Data appear to be suspect starting around 2017-4-27 - excluding from final statistics.

    By Lori Garzio, on 2/11/19

    Deployment: 2

    The missing data at the end of deployments 2 should be annotated (the CTD to which the instrument was connected failed)

    By Lori Garzio, on 2/11/19

    Deployment: 2

    The 6 day data gap at the beginning of the deployment should be annotated, and the 193 missing days at the end of the deployment should be annotated (the CTD to which this instrument was connected failed).

    By Lori Garzio, on 2/11/19


    The missing data at the end of deployments 2 and 3 should be annotated (the CTD to which the instrument was connected failed).

    By Lori Garzio, on 2/19/19


    The missing data at the end of deployments 2 and 3 should be annotated (the CTD to which the instrument was connected failed).

    By Lori Garzio, on 2/19/19

    122 of 135