OOI Parameters

Id Name Display Name Standard Name Unit Data Product Identifier Data Product Type Data Level
PD2233 vel3d_l_hx Compass X 1
PD2234 vel3d_l_hy Compass Y 1
PD2235 vel3d_l_hz Compass Z 1
PD2236 vel3d_l_vp1 Path Velocity 1 cm s-1
PD2237 vel3d_l_vp2 Path Velocity 2 cm s-1
PD2238 vel3d_l_vp3 Path Velocity 3 cm s-1
PD2239 vel3d_l_vp4 Path Velocity 4 cm s-1
PD2241 vel3d_l_number_of_records Number of Records in the File counts
PD2242 vel3d_l_time_on Time Sensor Start seconds since 1970-01-01
PD2243 vel3d_l_time_off Time Sensor Stop seconds since 1970-01-01
PD2244 vel3d_l_decimation_factor Full Decimation Factor 1
PD2245 vel3d_l_controller_timestamp Time Sensor Stop seconds since 1970-01-01
PD2246 raw_time_seconds Seconds Since 1/1/1970 seconds since 1970-01-01
PD2247 raw_time_microseconds Microsecond Portion of Seconds Since 1/1/1970 us
PD2248 vel3d_a_va Path Velocity Axis A cm s-1 Science Data
PD2249 vel3d_a_vb Path Velocity Axis B cm s-1 Science Data
PD2250 vel3d_a_vc Path Velocity Axis C cm s-1 Science Data
PD2251 vel3d_a_vd Path Velocity Axis D cm s-1 Science Data
PD2252 vel3d_a_hx Normalized X Component of the Magnetic Flux 1
PD2253 vel3d_a_hy Normalized Y Component of the Magnetic Flux 1

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