Reference Designator
Review Status
Review Complete
CTDBP (CTD Pumped)
Make / Model
Sea-Bird / SBE 16plusV2

Dataset Reviews Last processed: 3/26/19, 7:36 PM

QC Check Info
Dep. Preferred Method Stream DD FD SG EG Gaps GD TS Rate (s) Pressure Comp. Time Order Valid Data Missing Data Data Comp. Missing Coords. Review
1 recovered_inst 170 47 0 122 0 0 80,536 10 7 / 7 1 Complete
2 recovered_inst 206 20 0 186 0 0 14,711 10 7 / 7 1 Complete
3 recovered_inst 134 134 0 0 0 0 229,709 10 7 / 7 1 Complete
4 recovered_inst 206 206 0 0 0 0 354,168 10 7 / 7 1 Complete
5 recovered_inst 178 177 0 0 1 1 294,374 10 7 / 7 1 Complete
6 recovered_inst 178 178 0 0 1 1 223,597 10 7 / 7 1 Complete
7 recovered_host 178 47 0 103 1 27 61,101 10 7 / 7 Complete
Data Ranges Review Images

Test Notes

  1. no comparison: timestamps do not match

Data Coverage

Deployment: 1234567

Lat/Lon Differences (km)

Deployment: 1234567
1 0.00
2 0.320.00
3 0.230.540.00
4 1.121.400.900.00
5 0.130.380.181.020.00
6 2.102.361.870.971.990.00
7 0.100.310.

Example Composite Data Plot

System Annotations

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
Method: telemetered
4/27/20, 3:40 PM

We are experiencing an intermittent failure of communication between the systems on the NSIF and the buoy. While the systems on the NSIF are operating, due to a change in the telemetry system, only a finite backlog of data is telemetered to shore. As a result, when communications are restored, some of the data backlog may be missing and there may be gaps in the record.

Id: 2184 By: wingardc

Method: telemetered
5/9/20, 8:40 PM 5/10/20, 8:00 PM

Due to a bug in the mooring telemetry system, data during this time range was not telemetered to shore. It was recorded on the mooring and instruments and will be available in the recovered data streams.

Id: 2182 By: wingardc
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Review Notes

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

Timestamps do not match between recovered_inst and telemetered or recovered_host for the following deployments: 1 through 7.

By Leila Belabbassi, on 1/17/19


The following gaps are not annotated in the system:
Gap at the end of deployments 1, 2 and 7
Gap ['2017-08-11T20:32:30', '2017-08-13T19:30:21'] during deployment 5
Gap ['2017-10-24T16:33:12', '2017-10-25T17:30:15'] during deployment 6
Gap ['2018-04-27T18:33:12', '2018-05-25T17:30:23'] during deployment 7

By Leila Belabbassi, on 1/17/19

Deployment: 7

Why are the recovered_inst data for deployment 7 missing from the system?

By Leila Belabbassi, on 1/17/19

New Note