Bulk Meteorology Instrument Package

Reference Designator
Review Status
Review Complete
METBK (Bulk Meteorology Instrument Package)
Make / Model
Star Engineering / ASIMET

Dataset Reviews Last processed: 3/29/19, 4:42 PM

QC Check Info
Dep. Preferred Method Stream DD FD SG EG Gaps GD TS Rate (s) Pressure Comp. Time Order Valid Data Missing Data Data Comp. Missing Coords. Review
1 telemetered 150 149 0 0 1 1 194,753 64 -3 / 1 1 Complete
1 telemetered metbk_hourly 150 149 0 0 1 1 3,390 3,600 -3 / 1 1 Blocked
2 recovered_host 168 167 0 0 0 0 239,700 64 -3 / 2 Complete
2 recovered_host metbk_hourly 168 167 0 0 0 0 3,997 3,600 -3 / 3 Blocked
3 recovered_host 205 205 0 0 0 0 291,330 64 -3 / 4 5 Complete
3 recovered_host metbk_hourly 205 205 0 -1 0 0 4,880 3,600 -3 / 6 3 Blocked
4 recovered_host 139 139 0 0 0 0 198,799 64 -3 / 7 Complete
4 recovered_host metbk_hourly 139 139 0 -1 0 0 3,315 3,600 -3 / 3 Blocked
5 recovered_host 240 240 0 0 0 0 337,616 64 -3 / 8 Complete
5 recovered_host metbk_hourly 240 240 0 0 0 0 5,695 3,600 -3 / 3 Blocked
6 recovered_host 150 89 0 60 0 0 126,779 64 -3 / Complete
6 recovered_host metbk_hourly 150 89 0 60 0 0 2,114 3,600 -3 / 3 Blocked
7 recovered_host 153 153 0 0 0 0 218,246 64 -3 / 9 Complete
7 recovered_host metbk_hourly 153 153 0 0 0 0 3,638 3,600 -3 / 3 Blocked
Data Ranges Review Images

Test Notes

  1. no other streams for comparison
  2. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [6] days: [6])
  3. no comparison: timestamps do not match
  4. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [1, 144] days: [28, 144])
  5. fail: check ['Surface Current Direction', 'Surface Current Speed', 'Relative Wind Direction', 'Relative Wind Speed', 'Net Heat Flux', 'Latent Heat Flux', 'Sensible Heat Flux']
  6. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [1] days: [0])
  7. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [5] days: [5])
  8. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [9] days: [9])
  9. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [1] days: [1])

Data Coverage

Deployment: 1234567
metbk_hourly 99%99%100%100%100%59%100%

Lat/Lon Differences (km)

Deployment: 1234567
1 0.00
2 0.510.00
3 0.560.790.00
4 0.490.120.850.00
5 0.580.820.030.880.00
6 0.460.200.880.080.910.00
7 0.540.750.050.810.080.840.00

Example Composite Data Plot

System Annotations

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
Stream: metbk_a_dcl_instrument
12/12/14, 4:47 PM 5/9/15, 8:00 PM

Deployment 1: No CTD data expected.

Id: 1381 By: leila
Flag: fail Exclude: No

Method: telemetered
10/22/15, 3:38 PM 5/13/16, 1:18 PM

Fuel cell impacted available instrument power, so telemetered data are not available or reliable. Recovered data are available for instruments that could record internally.

Id: 1362 By: leila

Method: telemetered
1/30/19, 10:00 AM 4/8/19, 7:39 AM

CP04OSSM D00009 buoy broke free and went adrift on 1/30/2019, 1500UTC. All instruments on the MFN ceased telemetry on 1/30/2019 and instruments on the buoy/NSIF continued to sample through 2/1/2019. No more telemetered data expected for this deployment.

Id: 1557 By: cdobson

Review Notes

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

metbk_hourly data will not be reviewed because of issues producing the data products have not been resolved - see Redmine tickets 13111, 13113, 13221. Data plots are available in the review images.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/5/19


met_current_speed, met_relwind_speed, met_wind10m, shortwave_irradiance, and met_netsirr global ranges should be reviewed. See review notes for CP01CNSM-SBD11-06-METBKA000 for more details.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/5/19


These variables are missing global ranges for this instrument: stream metbk_hourly - met_buoyfls, met_buoyflx, met_frshflx, met_heatflx, met_latnflx, met_mommflx, met_rainflx, met_sensflx, met_netsirr_hourly. stream metbk_a_dcl_instrument and metbk_a_dcl_instrument_recovered: met_windavg_mag_corr_east, met_windavg_mag_corr_north, met_heatflx_minute, met_latnflx_minute, met_netlirr_minute, met_sensflx_minute.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/5/19


Missing data: met_latnflx_minute, met_windavg_mag_corr_east, met_windavg_mag_corr_north, met_heatflx_minute, met_netlirr_minute, met_relwind_direction, met_relwind_speed, met_salsurf, met_current_direction, met_current_speed for deployments 6 and 7. From the provenance.json file, it appears that various cal coefficients are missing for both deployments: CC_height_of_windspeed_sensor_above_sealevel_m, CC_use_velpt, CC_depth_of_conductivity_and_temperature_measurements_m

Deployment 6 UID: CGINS-METLGR-00038. There is no cal sheet in github
Deployment 7 UID: CGINS-METLGR-00037: There is no cal sheet in github


By Lori Garzio, on 4/5/19


eastward_velocity and northward_velocity (from the collocated VELPT) don't have any units or description in the recovered_host-metbk_a_dcl_instrument_recovered METBK .nc file for deployments 3 and 6.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 1

The deployment 1 data should be annotated to explain why no recovered_host data are available. According to the ingest csv: "no recovered instrument data"

By Lori Garzio, on 4/5/19

Deployment: 1
12/12/14, 9:47 PM 5/10/15, 12:00 AM

According to annotation ID 1381, no CT data are expected for deployment 1. However, sea_surface_temperature values are recorded at -5, and it looks like other variables are using that temperature in their calculations, which is creating bad data products. Excluding from summary data ranges

By Lori Garzio, on 4/5/19

Deployment: 2

precipitation is negative at the beginning of the deployment.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/5/19

Deployment: 2

Surface Current Speeds are substantially higher for this deployment compared to other deployments. This should be investigated.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 3
2/20/16, 12:00 AM 5/13/16, 5:18 PM

suspect data: met_current_speed

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 3
3/8/16, 12:00 AM 4/4/16, 12:00 AM

recovered_host data are missing for several data products in the middle of deployment 3, but they are available in the telemetered data stream. These recovered_host data should be available.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 6
9/2/17, 12:00 AM 11/2/17, 2:15 PM

Missing data at the end of the deployment should be annotated.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

New Note