pCO2 Air-Sea

Reference Designator
Review Status
Review Complete
All data are suspect for this instrument - data ranges not calculated.
PCO2A (pCO2 Air-Sea)
Make / Model
Pro-Oceanus / pCO2-pro

Dataset Reviews Last processed: 7/23/19, 7:31 PM

QC Check Info
Dep. Preferred Method Stream DD FD SG EG Gaps GD TS Rate (s) Pressure Comp. Time Order Valid Data Missing Data Data Comp. Missing Coords. Review
1 recovered_host 313 84 6 199 0 0 17,847 0 / 1 2 Complete
1 recovered_host 313 84 6 199 0 0 17,846 1 0 / 1 Complete
2 recovered_host 365 365 0 0 0 0 87,065 0 / 1 3 Complete
2 recovered_host 365 365 0 0 0 0 87,065 1 0 / 1 3 Complete
Data Ranges Review Images

Test Notes

  1. pass unique test - ascending not tested
  2. fail: check ['pCO2 Atmosphere']
  3. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [1] days: [1])

Data Coverage

Deployment: 12

Lat/Lon Differences (km)

Deployment: 12
1 0.00
2 9.790.00

System Annotations

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
12/13/15, 7:00 PM 12/11/16, 7:00 PM

Upon recovery of deployment 2, damage to some components of the surface buoy were noted (e.g., FDCHP was bent, the tops of the METBK-PRC and FleetBroadBand antenna were missing).

Id: 95 By: lgarzio

11/24/16, 8:11 PM 12/8/18, 11:42 PM

Deployment 3: UPDATED 2020-05-11: Upon recovery of this mooring it was determined that the instrument was indeed damaged during deployment and it did not collect any data. No recovered host, recovered instrument, or telemetered data expected. *Instrument was possibly damaged at deployment and appears to be inoperable.

Id: 576 By: lgarzio
Flag: not_operational Exclude: No

12/8/17, 7:00 PM 12/8/18, 11:42 PM

Deployment 3: *UPDATED 2020-04-28: This mooring was recovered 2018-12-09 which was a year later than originally intended. Some instruments were able to continue sampling for the extended deployment.* Recovery of the mooring was planned during the NBP 17-09 cruise (Nov - Dec 2017) but not completed due to adverse weather conditions. Recovery options are pending. Instruments that are still operational are likely reaching (or have surpassed) their deployment lifespan.

Id: 834 By: lgarzio

3/21/19, 8:00 PM 1/20/20, 5:01 AM

Deployment 4: Data range suspect beginning 3/22/2019. Instrument lamp determined to have failed and instrument no longer producing quality data. Instrument power disabled on 5/14/2019.

Id: 1579 By: cdobson

Review Notes

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

pco2_co2flux is an array of fill values for both deployments. See CP01CNSM-SBD12-04-PCO2AA000 for additional notes on potentially the same issue.

By Lori Garzio, on 8/1/19

Deployment: 1
2/18/15, 12:00 AM 12/27/15, 12:00 AM

Suspect data - values show regular pattern of gradually decreasing, then jumping 6-8 ppm, then instrument appears to fail. This should be investigated and annotated.

By Lori Garzio, on 8/1/19

Deployment: 2
12/14/15, 8:20 PM 12/12/16, 7:58 AM

Suspect data - measured_air_co2 values are too low and drop off to zero.

By Lori Garzio, on 8/1/19

Deployment: 3

Annotation ID 834 needs to be updated: "Deployment 3: Recovery of the mooring was planned during the NBP 17-09 cruise (Nov - Dec 2017) but not completed due to adverse weather conditions. Recovery options are pending. Instruments that are still operational are likely reaching (or have surpassed) their deployment lifespan."

By Lori Garzio, on 1/14/19

New Note