Reference Designator
Review Status
Review Complete
Deployment 2 pressure looks like it's wrong
CTDPF (CTD Profiler)
Make / Model
Sea-Bird / SBE 16plusV2

Dataset Reviews Last processed: 3/15/19, 3:55 PM

QC Check Info
Dep. Preferred Method Stream DD FD SG EG Gaps GD TS Rate (s) Pressure Comp. Time Order Valid Data Missing Data Data Comp. Missing Coords. Review
1 streamed ctdpf_optode_sample 281 265 3 0 5 13 22,218,694 195 / 196 1 2 2 Complete
2 streamed ctdpf_optode_sample 377 375 1 0 0 0 31,997,592 1 195 / 200 1 2 2 Complete
3 streamed ctdpf_optode_sample 376 339 0 0 1 38 28,980,801 195 / 195 1 2 2 Complete
4 streamed ctdpf_optode_sample 325 321 0 0 3 4 27,351,546 1 195 / 195 1 2 2 Complete
Data Ranges Review Images

Test Notes

  1. pass unique test - ascending not tested
  2. no other streams for comparison

Data Coverage

Deployment: 1234
ctdpf_optode_sample 94%99%90%99%

Lat/Lon Differences (km)

Deployment: 1234
1 0.00
2 0.080.00

Example Composite Data Plot

System Annotations

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
11/4/14, 11:05 AM 11/5/14, 2:23 PM

Cause of data gap under investigation.

Id: 1243 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
11/14/14, 1:36 PM 11/17/14, 1:22 PM

Cause of data gap under investigation.

Id: 1245 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

12/7/14, 2:45 PM 12/15/14, 7:00 PM

Note: PFE down. HVPS1 MOV explosion, 800A breaker tripped, investigation and restoration

Id: 1248 By: knuth

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
12/7/14, 3:59 PM 12/16/14, 3:51 PM

PFE down. HVPS1 MOV explosion, 800A breaker tripped, investigation and restoration

Id: 1249 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

1/7/15, 2:32 AM 1/7/15, 3:06 AM

Note: PNWGP Portland <-> Seattle outage. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1250 By: knuth

1/30/15, 7:00 PM 2/3/15, 7:00 PM

Note: Intermittent partial data loss due to storage drive problems at OTB

Id: 1251 By: knuth

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
2/1/15, 3:36 PM 2/3/15, 4:56 AM

Intermittent partial data loss due to storage drive problems at OTB

Id: 1252 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
3/7/15, 6:04 PM 3/9/15, 3:39 AM

Cause of data gap under investigation.

Id: 1254 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

3/21/15, 10:10 AM 3/22/15, 12:20 AM

Note: PNWGP outage due to City of Seattle fiber cable work. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1256 By: knuth

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
5/27/15, 8:00 PM 5/29/15, 8:00 PM

Large pressure increase over period of time. Likely that platform moved with a change in current.

Id: 1257 By: knuth

6/12/15, 8:00 PM 6/15/15, 12:30 PM

Note: Network issues due to fire that damaged fibers between Portland and Seattle

Id: 1259 By: knuth

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf-optode-sample
7/6/15, 8:00 PM 7/16/16, 8:00 PM

An issue with the vendor’s calibration of the strain gauge pressure sensor is under investigation. The offset for pressure from 2015-07-07 to 2016-07-17 is approximately + 5 dbar.

Id: 20

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
7/7/15, 12:12 PM 7/16/16, 8:00 PM

Due to errors during vendor calibration, a calibration offset (CC_offset) of -5.24 is being applied during the on-demand creation of the L1 Seawater Pressure (dbar) data product from this instrument. For more information please contact help@oceanobservatories.org.

Id: 208 By: friedrich.knuth

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
7/7/15, 12:12 PM 7/8/15, 4:37 PM

Cause of data gap under investigation.

Id: 1261 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

8/28/15, 8:00 PM 8/28/15, 8:30 PM

Note: Outage during major utility power failure in Seattle. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1262 By: knuth

1/7/16, 1:10 AM 1/7/16, 1:52 AM

Note: Four 1-minute outages between Portland and Seattle due to maintenance. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1266 By: knuth

3/10/16, 6:06 PM 3/11/16, 4:30 AM

Note: Fiber break between Portland and Seattle. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1268 By: knuth

5/20/16, 12:33 PM 5/20/16, 2:04 PM

Note: Fiber break between Portland and Pacific City. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1274 By: knuth

7/11/16, 10:53 PM 7/11/16, 11:51 PM

Note: Unexplained loss of power at Pittock Building in Portland. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1276 By: knuth

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
7/17/16, 6:20 PM 7/29/17, 12:01 PM

The oxygen products from this instrument are suspect, due to errors during vendor calibration. Until a correction can be applied, the oxygen data during this time range should not be used.

Id: 203 By: friedrich.knuth
Flag: fail Exclude: No

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf-optode-sample
7/17/16, 8:00 PM 7/17/17, 8:00 PM

The derived O2 products (L1 Temperature Compensated and L2 Salinity Corrected Dissolved Oxygen) are suspect, due to errors during vendor calibration. Until a correction can be applied, they should not be used from 7/18/16 onwards.

Id: 16

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
9/18/16, 11:00 AM 9/24/16, 10:00 PM

Suspect sudden drop in conductivity during this time period

Id: 1279 By: knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

12/17/16, 1:00 PM 12/17/16, 2:00 PM

Note: Corvalis data center lost power. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1281 By: knuth

12/21/16, 8:50 PM 12/23/16, 7:44 AM

Note: Fiber break in Portland due to train crash. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1282 By: knuth

1/8/17, 2:58 PM 1/8/17, 4:41 PM

Note: Network outage during major Seattle utility power failure. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1283 By: knuth

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
1/9/17, 1:30 PM 2/16/17, 6:02 PM

Cause of data gap under investigation.

Id: 1284 By: knuth
Flag: not_available Exclude: No

1/9/17, 1:32 PM 1/9/17, 4:30 PM

Note: Lightning strike in Pacific City led to data interruption through isolation of both cable lines from shore station equipment. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1286 By: knuth

2/7/17, 8:00 AM 2/7/17, 10:00 AM

Note: Outage during PNWGP 1-hour router-maintenance. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1288 By: knuth

2/15/17, 9:43 AM 2/15/17, 12:16 PM

Note: On Wednesday, February 15, power to the North and South cable lines of the Cabled Array was interrupted and all deployed infrastructure went offline. Power was restored on February 16. No hardware issue subsea was identified. Possible data gap < 24h.

Id: 1289 By: knuth

Method: streamed
Stream: ctdpf_optode_sample
3/16/17, 9:50 AM 3/19/17, 1:00 AM

Suspect sudden drop in conductivity during this time period

Id: 1290 By: knuth
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

1/18/18, 10:00 PM 1/19/18, 2:00 PM

A brief violent storm caused loss of power to both the North and South cable lines and the deployed infrastructure during this time. For more information please contact help@oceanobservatories.org. (Redmine # 13109)

Id: 319 By: friedrich.knuth
Flag: not_operational Exclude: No

8/22/18, 1:00 PM 8/24/18, 4:00 PM

On Wednesday Aug 22 2018, an automatic protective shutdown of primary power to the OOI Cabled Array occurred during installation of a new chiller system. Power was restored on Aug 24. Due to loss of power to the Cabled Array marine infrastructure, data were not collected by the instruments.

Id: 1486 By: lgarzio
Flag: not_operational Exclude: No

Review Notes

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

Annotation IDs 1243, 1245, 1254, 1261, and 1284 should be updated to indicate the causes of the data gaps.

By Lori Garzio, on 3/28/19

Deployment: 2
7/7/15, 4:12 PM 7/16/16, 8:20 PM

Annotation ID 208: "Due to errors during vendor calibration, a calibration offset (CC_offset) of -5.24 is being applied during the on-demand creation of the L1 Seawater Pressure (dbar) data product from this instrument." - it doesn't look like this offset is actually being applied as the pressure is still 5 dbar deeper than the other deployments and the deployment depth from asset management. This issue needs to be investigated. Excluding from summary data ranges. Annotation ID 20 should be deleted (it's a duplicate of ID 208, but 208 has more info)

By Lori Garzio, on 3/28/19

Deployment: 3
7/18/16, 12:19 AM 7/28/17, 3:00 AM

Dissolved oxygen data are suspect (annotation ID 203). Excluding from data range summary. When a correction is applied this annotation should be updated. Annotation ID 16 is a duplicate and should be deleted.

By Lori Garzio, on 3/28/19

Deployment: 4
11/12/17, 12:00 AM 11/13/17, 12:00 AM

Deployment 4: suspect large drop in conductivity. Excluding from summary data ranges.

By Lori Garzio, on 3/28/19

Deployment: 4
4/24/18, 12:00 AM 4/25/18, 12:00 AM

Deployment 4: suspect large drop in conductivity. Excluding from summary data ranges.

By Lori Garzio, on 3/28/19

New Note