Velocity Profiler (150kHz)

Reference Designator
Start Depth
End Depth
Multi-Function Node
Current Status
Review Complete
ADCPT (Velocity Profiler (short range))
Science Discipline
Teledyne RDI
WorkHorse Sentinel 150khz
M2M Example
Method Data Stream Content Type
recovered_host adcpt_acfgm_pd8_dcl_instrument_recovered PD8 Format Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
recovered_inst adcp_config Configuration Data Report M2M Engineering
recovered_inst adcp_engineering Engineering Data Report M2M Engineering
recovered_inst adcp_velocity_earth Earth Coordinates Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
telemetered adcpt_acfgm_pd8_dcl_instrument PD8 Format Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
Deployment Cruise Start Date Stop Date Mooring Asset Node Asset Sensor Asset Latitude Longitude Deployment Depth Water Depth
1 Review KN-224 12/14/2014 10/30/2015 CGMCP-03ISSM-00001 CGINS-ADCPTF-19221 40.3619 -70.878 93 94
2 Review AT-27 05/09/2015 10/21/2015 CGMCP-03ISSM-00002 CGINS-ADCPTF-18594 40.3595 -70.8853 96 97
3 Review AT-31 10/21/2015 05/14/2016 CGMCP-03ISSM-00003 CGINS-ADCPTF-20530 40.3647 -70.8884 95 96
4 Review AR-04 05/28/2016 10/15/2016 CGMCP-03ISSM-00004 CGINS-ADCPTF-19221 40.3595 -70.885 94 95
5 Review AR-08 10/11/2016 06/15/2017 CGMCP-03ISSM-00005 CGINS-ADCPTF-20530 40.3619 -70.8783 91 92
6 Review AR-18 06/15/2017 11/01/2017 CGMCP-03ISSM-00006 CGINS-ADCPTF-19221 40.3671 -70.8816 92 93
7 Review AR-24 11/01/2017 03/28/2018 CGMCP-03ISSM-00007 CGINS-ADCPTF-18594 40.359 -70.8855 92 93
8 Review AR-28 03/25/2018 10/26/2018 CGMCP-03ISSM-00008 CGINS-ADCPTF-22672 40.3672 -70.8821 93 94
9 Review AR-31 10/29/2018 04/06/2019 CGMCP-03ISSM-00009 CGINS-ADCPTF-18594 40.3673 -70.8811 91 92
10 Review AR-34 04/07/2019 10/01/2019 CGMCP-03ISSM-00010 CGINS-ADCPTF-22672 40.3672 -70.8815 92 93
11 Review AR-39 09/26/2019 CGMCP-03ISSM-00011 CGINS-ADCPTF-18593 40.3594 -70.8851 92 93
Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

The variable 'temperature' has units of cdeg_C but the global ranges in the system for this instrument are from -2 to 40. These global ranges. should be reviewed.

By Lori Garzio, on 8/21/19

Deployment: 3

The instrument timestamp and DCL controller timestamp are off by 4 hours in the raw data file. See Redmine ticket 11539

By Lori Garzio, on 8/21/19

Deployment: 4

bin_depths are negative for this deployment - this should be investigated and fixed

By Lori Garzio, on 8/21/19

New Note

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
Method: telemetered
12/14/14, 1:52 PM 4/6/19, 2:51 PM

Deployment 1-9; telemetered ADCP data for CP03ISSM Deployments 1 through 9 were in pd8 format which does not contain all of the necessary parameters to process the data. This data has been excluded from the system. Please use the recovered instrument data which is in pd0 format.

Id: 1826 By: swhite

12/14/14, 1:52 PM 12/29/14, 7:00 PM

Telemetered and recovered host data are unavailabe because of ground faults on the sealoor Multi-Function Node. All communications to the instruments were shut down.

Id: 315 By: leila

10/21/15, 1:44 PM 5/14/16, 9:45 AM

The instrument timestamps are off by 4 hours.

Id: 609 By: leila
Flag: suspect Exclude: No

Stream: adcp_velocity_earth
10/21/15, 1:44 PM

ADCP data may contain acoustic interference from the ZPLSC instrument subject to real-time clock drift of either instrument.

Id: 2002 By: swhite

Method: recovered
10/21/15, 1:44 PM 5/14/16, 9:45 AM

Deployment 3: The ADCP instrument clock was set incorrectly at the time of deployment. Recovered instrument data have been processed to remove replace erroneous dates/times and replace with correct UTC dates/times.

Id: 2046 By: swhite

6/14/16, 5:00 AM 9/12/16, 4:00 AM

No valid telemetered data.

Id: 608 By: leila

2/3/17, 1:05 AM 3/29/17, 10:00 PM

All seafloor Multi-Function Node (MFD35 and MFD37) instruments have ceased data telemetry because the seafloor multi-function node had a high voltage ground fault and has been shut down to protect the instruments. Instrument on battery power will continue to collect data.

Id: 332 By: leila

12/20/17, 4:00 AM 3/28/18, 12:56 PM

Deployment 7: Multi-Function Node failed.

Id: 334 By: leila
Flag: not_operational Exclude: No

Method: telemetered
6/12/18, 7:05 AM 10/26/18, 3:52 PM

Data telemetry disabled due to chronic issues with power generation and management. The instruments could be revived to send data via telemetry when sufficient power is available. Note: Instruments may continue to collect data on internal battery power.

Id: 1511 By: leila

Method: telemetered
6/12/18, 7:05 AM 10/28/18, 11:43 PM

Data telemetry disabled due to chronic issues with power generation and management. The instruments could be revived to send data via telemetry when sufficient power is available. Note: Instruments may continue to collect data on internal battery power.

Id: 1512 By: leila

Stream: adcp_velocity_earth
9/26/19, 9:50 AM

Deployment 11: ADCP instrument exhibits excessive clock drift. Telemetered data unavailable after 2019-12-19.

Id: 2001 By: swhite

12/26/19, 7:00 PM

Deployment 11: *UPDATED 2020-06-22: As of 2020-05-05 the ISSM MFN is back online in a reduced power usage mode. All MFN instruments will be powered on and sample 4 times a day (as opposed to 6 times a day). Data from this instruments will be telemetered home with the exception of the OPTAA which will only be availabe upon recovery. *UPDATED 2020-04-27: The MFN has been offline since 2019-01-03 and no telemetered data are expected from MFN instruments for the remainder of the deployment.*MFN offline due to power shortage after WT2 failure from 12/27/2019 to 12/30/2019 and again from 1/3/2019 to 1/6/2019. Instruments with external batteries will continue to log data internally.

Id: 1877 By: cdobson

1/7/20, 7:00 PM

Deployment 11: UPDATED 2020-04-27: As of 2020-03-12 telemetered data for most instruments are being sent home via Iridium. A gap in telemetered data is expected between 2020-01-08 and 2020-03-12 and will not be backfilled but these data will be available upon recovery.* As of 2020-01-08 both fleet broadband telemetry pathways have failed and data can no longer be telemetered to shore from this mooring. Instruments will continue to log data which will be available upon recovery.

Id: 1889 By: cdobson
Flag: not_operational Exclude: No