
Reference Designator
Start Depth
End Depth
Near Surface Instrument Frame
Current Status
Review Complete
OPTAA (Absorption Spectrophotometer)
Science Discipline
WET Labs
M2M Example
Method Data Stream Content Type
recovered_host optaa_dj_dcl_instrument_recovered Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
recovered_host optaa_dj_dcl_metadata_recovered Metadata Report M2M Engineering
telemetered optaa_dj_dcl_instrument Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
telemetered optaa_dj_dcl_metadata Metadata Report M2M Engineering
Deployment Cruise Start Date Stop Date Mooring Asset Node Asset Sensor Asset Latitude Longitude Deployment Depth Water Depth
1 Review AT-26-29 02/18/2015 12/27/2015 CGMGS-01SUMO-00001 CGINS-OPTAAD-00206 -54.4082 -89.3576 12 4611
2 Review NBP-15-11 12/14/2015 12/12/2016 CGMGS-01SUMO-00002 CGINS-OPTAAD-00255 -54.4041 -89.2069 12 4588
3 Review NBP16-10 11/25/2016 12/09/2018 CGMGS-01SUMO-00003 CGINS-OPTAAD-00150 -54.4076 -89.3567 12 4612
4 Review DY096 12/04/2018 01/20/2020 CGMGS-01SUMO-00004 CGINS-OPTAAD-00254 -54.4072 -89.206 12 4589
Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

According to Roesler and Barnard (Optical proxy for phytoplankton biomass in the absence of photophysiology: Rethinking the absorption line height, Methods in Oceanography, 2013), “absorption meters are highly prone to biofouling, particularly biofilms which not only attenuate the collimated beam but also impact the scattering properties of the optical surfaces and tubes. In productive coastal waters biofouling can have significant impacts (i.e. 10% of the signal) within one to two weeks”.

By Lori Garzio, on 6/28/19

Deployment: 1

30% of the beam_attenuation values for this deployment are either fill values or outliers (+/- 5 SD), and 77% of optical_absorption values are fill values, outside of global ranges, or outliers.

By Lori Garzio, on 6/28/19

Deployment: 2

In one of the deployment 2 recovered_host netcdf files (in the location attached), the wavelength dimension is an array of -9999999. The wavelength dimension in the other 2 files from that deployment is an index from 0-86.

By Lori Garzio, on 6/26/19

Deployment: 3

Annotation ID 834 needs to be updated: "Deployment 3: Recovery of the mooring was planned during the NBP 17-09 cruise (Nov - Dec 2017) but not completed due to adverse weather conditions. Recovery options are pending. Instruments that are still operational are likely reaching (or have surpassed) their deployment lifespan."

By Lori Garzio, on 1/14/19

New Note

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
Stream: optaa_dj_dcl_instrument
2/18/15, 4:06 PM

Per vendor feedback, the first 1-2 min of each AC-S instrument sampling period should be considered suspect. Signal drift can occur as the instrument warms up, flushes with seawater, and the filter wheel spins up.

Id: 1805 By: swhite

Stream: optaa_dj_dcl_instrument_recovered
2/18/15, 4:06 PM

Per vendor feedback, the first 1-2 min of each AC-S instrument sampling period should be considered suspect. Signal drift can occur as the instrument warms up, flushes with seawater, and the filter wheel spins up.

Id: 1806 By: swhite

12/8/17, 7:00 PM 12/8/18, 11:42 PM

Deployment 3: *UPDATED 2020-04-28: This mooring was recovered 2018-12-09 which was a year later than originally intended. Some instruments were able to continue sampling for the extended deployment.* Recovery of the mooring was planned during the NBP 17-09 cruise (Nov - Dec 2017) but not completed due to adverse weather conditions. Recovery options are pending. Instruments that are still operational are likely reaching (or have surpassed) their deployment lifespan.

Id: 834 By: lgarzio

2/3/19, 1:00 PM 2/11/19, 7:00 AM

Deployment 4: The NSIF experienced power failure on 2/3/19 1800UTC and power was restored on 2/11/19 1200UTC. All NSIF instruments will have this gap in their telemetered data.

Id: 1577 By: cdobson

Stream: optaa_dj_dcl_instrument
9/25/19, 9:00 AM

The OPTAA burst duration was changed from 2 minutes to 4 minutes as of the start date/time of this annotation (during Deployment 4).

Id: 1863 By: swhite

Stream: optaa_dj_dcl_instrument_recovered
9/25/19, 9:00 AM

The OPTAA burst duration was changed from 2 minutes to 4 minutes as of the start date/time of this annotation (during Deployment 4).

Id: 1864 By: swhite