pCO2 Water

Reference Designator
Start Depth
End Depth
Near Surface Instrument Frame
Current Status
Review Complete
PCO2W (pCO2 Water)
Science Discipline
M2M Example
Method Data Stream Content Type
recovered_host pco2w_abc_dcl_instrument_blank_recovered Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
recovered_host pco2w_abc_dcl_instrument_recovered Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
recovered_host pco2w_abc_dcl_metadata_recovered Metadata Report M2M Engineering
recovered_host pco2w_abc_dcl_power_recovered Power Data Report M2M Engineering
recovered_inst pco2w_abc_instrument Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
recovered_inst pco2w_abc_instrument_blank Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
recovered_inst pco2w_abc_metadata Metadata Report M2M Engineering
recovered_inst pco2w_abc_power Power Data Report M2M Engineering
telemetered pco2w_abc_dcl_instrument Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
telemetered pco2w_abc_dcl_instrument_blank Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
telemetered pco2w_abc_dcl_metadata Metadata Report M2M Engineering
telemetered pco2w_abc_dcl_power Power Data Report M2M Engineering
Deployment Cruise Start Date Stop Date Mooring Asset Node Asset Sensor Asset Latitude Longitude Deployment Depth Water Depth
1 Review AT-26-29 02/18/2015 12/27/2015 CGMGS-01SUMO-00001 CGINS-PCO2WB-C0070 -54.4082 -89.3576 12 4611
2 Review NBP-15-11 12/14/2015 12/12/2016 CGMGS-01SUMO-00002 CGINS-PCO2WB-C0113 -54.4041 -89.2069 12 4588
3 Review NBP16-10 11/25/2016 12/09/2018 CGMGS-01SUMO-00003 CGINS-PCO2WB-C0050 -54.4076 -89.3567 12 4612
4 Review DY096 12/04/2018 01/20/2020 CGMGS-01SUMO-00004 CGINS-PCO2WB-C0099 -54.4072 -89.206 12 4589
Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

There is no pressure variable in the .nc files. This should be a coordinate.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/25/19

Deployment: 1

Recovered data from the instrument were not archived and are not available for this deployment.

By Lori Garzio, on 3/16/17
Redmine Issue #10635

Deployment: 1

Suspect data - 97% of the values for pco2_seawater are nans, fill values or outside of global ranges.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/25/19

Deployment: 2

There are no recovered_inst data available for download for this deployment. According to the ingest csv, the recovered_inst raw data files are available. These files should be ingested or the dataset should be annotated to explain why the recovered_inst data aren't available.

By Lori Garzio, on 7/25/19

Deployment: 3

Annotation ID 834 needs to be updated: "Deployment 3: Recovery of the mooring was planned during the NBP 17-09 cruise (Nov - Dec 2017) but not completed due to adverse weather conditions. Recovery options are pending. Instruments that are still operational are likely reaching (or have surpassed) their deployment lifespan."

By Lori Garzio, on 1/14/19

New Note

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
Method: telemetered
Stream: pco2w_abc_dcl_instrument
2/18/15, 4:06 PM 1/9/19, 7:00 PM

* UPDATED, 2019-01-25: After careful review, the original data product algorithm (pco2_pco2wat) for this sensor was found to contain an error that resulted in calculation of incorrect derived L1 pCO2 values. In consultation with the vendor, the algorithm has been corrected, verified, and uploaded to the OOI system. This update, effective 2019-01-10, applies to all deployments for this sensor. All derived L1
pCO2 data products generated prior to this date should be re-requested in order to ensure utilization of the correct algorithm. The updated algorithm can be viewed at https://github.com/oceanobservatories/ion-functions/blob/master/ion_functions/data/co2_functions.py. * Until further notice, derived L1 pCO2 data products from this sensor are incorrect and should not be used. A significant discrepancy has been uncovered between the pCO2 values from shipboard water samples vs. values calculated by OOI system. The pco2_pco2wat algorithm is under review and can be viewed at https://github.com/ooici/ion-functions/blob/master/ion_functions/data/co2_functions.py. To receive instant notification of updates to the code, add yourself as a watcher to the GitHub repository linked above. For further questions please email help@oceanobservatories.org.

Id: 298 By: friedrich.knuth

Method: recovered_host
Stream: pco2w_abc_dcl_instrument_recovered
2/18/15, 4:06 PM 1/9/19, 7:00 PM

* UPDATED, 2019-01-25: After careful review, the original data product algorithm (pco2_pco2wat) for this sensor was found to contain an error that resulted in calculation of incorrect derived L1 pCO2 values. In consultation with the vendor, the algorithm has been corrected, verified, and uploaded to the OOI system. This update, effective 2019-01-10, applies to all deployments for this sensor. All derived L1
pCO2 data products generated prior to this date should be re-requested in order to ensure utilization of the correct algorithm. The updated algorithm can be viewed at https://github.com/oceanobservatories/ion-functions/blob/master/ion_functions/data/co2_functions.py. * Until further notice, derived L1 pCO2 data products from this sensor are incorrect and should not be used. A significant discrepancy has been uncovered between the pCO2 values from shipboard water samples vs. values calculated by OOI system. The pco2_pco2wat algorithm is under review and can be viewed at https://github.com/ooici/ion-functions/blob/master/ion_functions/data/co2_functions.py. To receive instant notification of updates to the code, add yourself as a watcher to the GitHub repository linked above. For further questions please email help@oceanobservatories.org.

Id: 299 By: friedrich.knuth

2/18/15, 4:06 PM 12/27/15, 6:20 AM

Deployment 1: Recovered_instrument data not available for this deployment.

Id: 630 By: lgarzio

12/8/17, 7:00 PM 12/8/18, 11:42 PM

Deployment 3: *UPDATED 2020-04-28: This mooring was recovered 2018-12-09 which was a year later than originally intended. Some instruments were able to continue sampling for the extended deployment.* Recovery of the mooring was planned during the NBP 17-09 cruise (Nov - Dec 2017) but not completed due to adverse weather conditions. Recovery options are pending. Instruments that are still operational are likely reaching (or have surpassed) their deployment lifespan.

Id: 834 By: lgarzio

12/30/17, 7:00 PM 12/8/18, 11:42 PM

Deployment 3: The PCO2WB000 is known to have ceased sampling on 2017-12-31. No data are expected after this date. Root cause unknown.

Id: 2157 By: cdobson
Flag: not_operational Exclude: No

2/3/19, 1:00 PM 2/11/19, 7:00 AM

Deployment 4: The NSIF experienced power failure on 2/3/19 1800UTC and power was restored on 2/11/19 1200UTC. All NSIF instruments will have this gap in their telemetered data.

Id: 1577 By: cdobson

Method: telemetered
3/14/19, 8:00 PM 1/20/20, 5:01 AM

Deployment 4: Large data gap between 3/15/2019 and 5/16/2019 due to instrument failure. The instrument was switched to polling mode on 5/16/2019 which has resulted in successful logging.

Id: 1592 By: cdobson