In June 2016, a strong eddy in the area of the Argentine Basin moorings drew the subsurface moorings down by approximately 500m. This corresponds to the time that the Argentine Basin Hybrid Profiler fell to the seafloor: see (My theory - the hybrid profiler was pulled down by the currents and destroyed by the pressure change).
The ADCP data from both flanking moorings show the same pressure change that corresponds with a strong westward current.
Note: GA03FLMB-RIM01-02-CTDMOG064 temperature sensor appears to fail after the extreme pressure change. Temperature, density, and salinity values from this instrument go crazy after this event.
Also see strong westward current in the GA01SUMO-RII11-02-ADCPSN010 data, and you can see the 1,500m CTD (GA01SUMO-RII11-02-CTDMOR020) pulled up 200m
Last Modified: 5/6/20, 4:54 PM