3-Wavelength Fluorometer

Reference Designator
Review Status
Review Complete
The pressure coordinate (pressure_depth (dbar)) needs to be filled with the appropriate pressure data. It is currently all fill values.
FLORT (3-Wavelength Fluorometer)
Make / Model
WET Labs / ECO Triplet-w

Dataset Reviews Last processed: 7/2/19, 4:02 PM

QC Check Info
Dep. Preferred Method Stream DD FD SG EG Gaps GD TS Rate (s) Pressure Comp. Time Order Valid Data Missing Data Data Comp. Missing Coords. Review
1 recovered_host flort_sample 339 339 0 0 0 0 32,443 900 30 / Complete
2 recovered_host flort_sample 333 14 0 238 1 81 1,124 900 30 / 1 Complete
3 recovered_host flort_sample 395 115 0 210 1 69 10,926 900 30 / Complete
4 recovered_host flort_sample 309 66 0 173 1 71 6,052 900 30 / Complete
Data Ranges Review Images

Test Notes

  1. fail: data found in another stream (gaps: [1] days: [0])

Data Coverage

Deployment: 1234
flort_sample 100%4%29%21%

Lat/Lon Differences (km)

Deployment: 1234
1 0.00
2 6.970.00
3 4.772.200.00
4 6.870.202.100.00

Example Composite Data Plot

System Annotations

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
9/16/14, 9:24 AM 8/20/15, 8:56 AM

Deployment 1: Upon recovery of the instrument, the wiper to prevent biofouling was stopped over the sensing windows. This possibly broke in mid-June 2015.

Id: 562 By: lgarzio

9/16/14, 9:24 AM 8/20/15, 8:56 AM

Deployment 1: Mooring was deployed 5-10m shallower than planned.

Id: 1451 By: lgarzio

8/21/15, 1:11 PM 7/17/16, 8:00 PM

Deployment 2: Low battery warnings from the mooring controller were sent via satellite telemetry starting in early Nov 2015, controller failed.

Id: 561 By: lgarzio

8/21/15, 1:11 PM 7/17/16, 8:00 PM

Deployment 2: Mooring was deployed 5m deeper than planned.

Id: 1452 By: lgarzio

8/21/15, 1:11 PM 7/17/16, 8:00 PM

Deployment 2: Secondary controller failed - no leak was detected, but the battery appears to have drained a few days after the deployment. No recovered_host or telemetered data expected.

Id: 691 By: lgarzio

10/9/16, 6:00 PM 12/17/16, 8:00 PM

Deployment 3: Secondary controller failed - no recovered_host or telemetered data expected.

Id: 695 By: lgarzio

1/12/17, 1:15 PM 8/11/17, 8:02 AM

Deployment 3: Secondary controller failed - no leak was detected, but the battery for the controller board was drained at recovery. No recovered_host or telemetered data expected.

Id: 696 By: lgarzio

8/7/17, 11:49 AM 6/11/18, 3:36 PM

Deployment 4: Mooring was deployed 10-15m deeper than planned.

Id: 1453 By: lgarzio

Review Notes

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

pressure_depth (dbar) is an array of all fill values for every deployment. This variable should contain valid pressure data.

By Lori Garzio, on 1/10/19

Deployment: 1
6/15/15, 12:00 AM 8/20/15, 12:56 PM

total_volume_scattering_coefficient and optical_backscatter flatlined

By Lori Garzio, on 7/11/19

New Note