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    Pressure is not available in any of the netCDF files (this variable should be a coordinate).

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/19/19


    Pressure is not available in any of the netCDF files (this variable should be a coordinate).

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/19/19

    Deployment: 8

    Lat and Lon for deployment 8 are very far for what is the platform standard location. Please check?

    see redmine help desk ticket # 13757 (

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 3/19/19

    Deployment: 1

    total_volume_scattering_coefficient_m-1 sr-1 and optical_backscatter_m-1 show an event in mid March 2018 that need to be investigated further.

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 3/18/19


    The sampling rate changed from every 15 minutes during deployment 1 to every 12 seconds during deployment 2. The data should be annotated to explain why the sampling rate changed and/or which sampling rate is different than the designed sampling rate. It appears that the high sampling rate captured a slightly wider range in seawater pressure (see attached figure).

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/15/19

    Deployment: 2
    12/14/15, 9:00 PM 5/6/16, 12:00 PM

    Annotation ID 412 notes that there is a difference between delivery methods. Recovered_inst pressure values are 4.8 - 5.7 dbar lower than the same values in the recovered_host and telemetered data streams. Salinity and density are also offset. This issue needs to be investigated.

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/18/19


    Annotation ID 144 should be updated to include more information regarding the instrument failure (if known).

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/18/19

    Deployment: 2
    2/16/16, 8:00 PM 12/12/16, 7:58 AM

    Annotation ID 143 should be updated to 1) include the entire time range for which there are no data (2016-02-16T20:00 - 2016-12-12T07:58) and 2) include more details about why the instrument failed (if known).

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/18/19


    The PAR measurements at depth greater than 100 dbar are too high [ > 5 - 30 µmol m-1 s-1] resembling the surface data.
    The plot show data filtered out of nans, extreme values (1e7), fill values and values outside global ranges [ 0 - 2500] and 5 STD.

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 3/15/19


    system missing global ranges for all parameters because the platform is not listed in the data_qc_global_range_values.csv

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 3/15/19

    Deployment: 2
    4/21/16, 12:00 AM 6/4/16, 4:01 AM

    Optode temperature and dissolved oxygen values start to become unreasonable. This issue should be investigated and annotated.

    By Lori Garzio, on 2/19/19

    Deployment: 3
    3/11/17, 12:00 AM 1/14/18, 10:24 AM

    According to annotation ID 389, the cable to the CTD was severed. Looking at the data, this issue appeared to occur on or around 3/11/2017. The annotation should be updated.

    By Lori Garzio, on 2/19/19

    Deployment: 3
    8/13/17, 12:00 AM 1/14/18, 10:24 AM

    Oxygen concentration and saturation drop off - data are suspect and should be annotated.

    By Lori Garzio, on 2/11/19


    The depth recorded in the deployment sheet is 12 m shallower than the maximum depth the profiler is measuring. Is that by design?

    By Leila Belabbassi, on 3/15/19

    Deployment: 2
    11/1/15, 12:00 AM 7/18/16, 11:50 PM

    Excluding data from the second half of the deployment from summary data range calculation. Instrument likely biofouled (see annotation ID 770) and a high percentage of DO (umol L-L) values are outside of global ranges.

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/15/19

    Deployment: 3
    8/12/17, 9:00 PM 8/13/17, 2:00 PM

    There are 2 days at the end of deployment 3 where there are data from the telemetered data stream that aren't available in the recovered_host data stream. These data should be available in the recovered_host data stream (or annotated to indicate why they aren't available).

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/15/19


    Deployments 2 and 3: there is no pressure coordinate in the recovered_host data files. int_ctd_pressure is available in the file, however there are no units and this variable is not listed as a coordinate.

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/15/19

    Deployment: 1

    There are no data available for download for deployment 1. These data need to be ingested, or there should be an annotation indicating why data are not available.

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/15/19

    Deployment: 3
    8/12/17, 8:00 PM 8/14/17, 5:00 AM

    There are 2 days at the end of deployment 3 where there are data from the telemetered data stream that aren't available in the recovered_host data stream. These data should be available in the recovered_host data stream (or annotated to indicate why they aren't available).

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/15/19

    Deployment: 3
    4/25/17, 8:00 PM 8/12/17, 9:00 PM

    Excluding data from the second half of the deployment from summary data range calculation. Instrument likely biofouled (see annotation ID 771) and a high percentage of DO (umol L-L) values are outside of global ranges.

    By Lori Garzio, on 3/15/19

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