Bulk Meteorology Instrument Package

Reference Designator
Start Depth
End Depth
Buoy Tower
Current Status
Review Complete
METBK (Bulk Meteorology Instrument Package)
Science Discipline
Star Engineering
M2M Example
Method Data Stream Content Type
recovered_host metbk_a_dcl_instrument_recovered Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
recovered_host metbk_hourly Flux Data Products Calculated From Hourly Averages Report M2M Stats Science
telemetered metbk_a_dcl_instrument Data Products Report M2M Stats Science
telemetered metbk_hourly Flux Data Products Calculated From Hourly Averages Report M2M Stats Science
Deployment Cruise Start Date Stop Date Mooring Asset Node Asset Sensor Asset Latitude Longitude Deployment Depth Water Depth
1 Review OC1503D 04/02/2015 09/22/2015 CGMCE-02SHSM-00001 CGINS-METLGR-00011 44.6383 -124.304 0 80
2 Review OC1510A 10/07/2015 05/16/2016 CGMCE-02SHSM-00002 CGINS-METLGR-00008 44.6354 -124.303 0 82
3 Review TN-342 05/17/2016 09/28/2016 CGMCE-02SHSM-00003 CGINS-METLGR-00029 44.6357 -124.304 0 80
4 Review AT37-03 09/26/2016 04/22/2017 CGMCE-02SHSM-00004 CGINS-METLGR-00006 44.6393 -124.304 0 80
5 Review SKQ201704S 04/20/2017 10/15/2017 CGMCE-02SHSM-00005 CGINS-METLGR-00023 44.6358 -124.304 0 81
6 Review SKQ201715S 10/10/2017 04/04/2018 CGMCE-02SHSM-00006 CGINS-METLGR-00032 44.6393 -124.304 0 80
7 Review SKQ201808S 04/03/2018 09/25/2018 CGMCE-02SHSM-00007 CGINS-METLGR-00018 44.6357 -124.304 0 80
8 Review SR1813 09/22/2018 04/21/2019 CGMCE-02SHSM-00008 CGINS-METLGR-00011 44.6395 -124.301 0 80
9 Review SKQ201910S 04/19/2019 10/22/2019 CGMCE-02SHSM-00009 CGINS-METLGR-00018 44.6356 -124.304 0 80
10 Review SKQ201921S 10/20/2019 CGMCE-02SHSM-00010 CGINS-METLGR-00023 44.6396 -124.303 0 80
Metadata Start Date End Date Comment

missing met_relwind_direction, met_current_speed, and met_current_direction for deployments 1-3.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19


Annotation IDs 1430 and 1431 should be updated to indicate this refers to deployment 5 (not 4)

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19


met_current_speed, met_relwind_speed, met_wind10m, shortwave_irradiance, and met_netsirr global ranges should be reviewed. See review notes for CP01CNSM-SBD11-06-METBKA000 for more details.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19


metbk_hourly data will not be reviewed because of issues producing the data products have not been resolved - see Redmine tickets 13111, 13113, 13221. Data plots are available in the review images.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19


These variables are missing global ranges for this instrument: stream metbk_hourly - met_buoyfls, met_buoyflx, met_frshflx, met_heatflx, met_latnflx, met_mommflx, met_rainflx, met_sensflx, met_netsirr_hourly. stream metbk_a_dcl_instrument and metbk_a_dcl_instrument_recovered: met_windavg_mag_corr_east, met_windavg_mag_corr_north, met_heatflx_minute, met_latnflx_minute, met_netlirr_minute, met_sensflx_minute.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 1

Downwelling Shortwave Irradiance (shortwave_irradiance) and Net Shortwave Irradiance (met_netsirr) minimum values jump to ~10 W m-2 shortly after deployment (should be around 0 W m-2). A similar issue was seen on GS01SUMO-SBD11-06-METBKA000 (see annotation ID 1522 and Redmine 12543). This should be investigated and annotated.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 1
8/25/15, 8:16 PM 9/22/15, 7:48 AM

Missing data at the end of the deployment should be annotated.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 2
4/1/16, 12:00 AM 5/16/16, 9:09 PM

There is a lot of noise for sea_surface_conductivity and met_salsurf at the end of the deployment.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 4

Data gaps should be annotated: [['2017-01-02T10:59:17', '2017-01-03T23:08:12'], ['2017-01-26T12:11:28', '2017-01-29T14:44:28'], ['2017-01-29T14:44:28', '2017-01-31T18:27:25'], ['2017-01-31T18:45:15', '2017-02-05T13:46:10'], ['2017-02-05T21:34:14', '2017-02-08T19:43:18'], ['2017-02-08T19:57:53', '2017-02-11T13:14:58']]

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 5
4/20/17, 5:23 PM 10/15/17, 7:06 PM

According to annotation IDs 1430-1431, no CT data are expected. However, sea_surface_temperature values are -5, sea_surface_conductivity values are 0.0, and met_salsurf values are 0.0. It looks like other variables are using these data in their calculations, which is creating bad data products. Excluding from summary data ranges

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 6
10/10/17, 2:21 AM 10/14/17, 6:34 PM

There are telemetered data at the beginning of the deployment, and no recovered_host data for the same time period. These data should be available in the recovered_host data stream.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 6
2/7/18, 6:32 PM 2/13/18, 8:35 PM

Data gap should be annotated.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

Deployment: 7
8/1/18, 12:00 AM 9/25/18, 12:00 AM

Suspect data towards the end of the deployment. Something happened in early Aug 2018 that caused the CT sensor stopped working temporarily. Issue should be investigated and annotated. A similar issue is seen in the data from CE04OSSM-SBD11-06-METBKA000, CE07SHSM-SBD11-06-METBKA000 and CE09OSSM-SBD11-06-METBKA000 from the same time period.

By Lori Garzio, on 4/8/19

New Note

Metadata Start Date End Date Comment
Stream: metbk_a_dcl_instrument
4/20/17, 1:23 PM 10/14/17, 11:17 AM

Deployment 4: the CT sensor was not connected correctly. No data available for Sea Surface Conductivity, Sea Surface Temperature, and Sea Surface Practical Salinity

Id: 1430 By: leila
Flag: fail Exclude: No

Stream: metbk_a_dcl_instrument_recovered
4/20/17, 1:23 PM 10/14/17, 11:17 AM

Deployment 4: the CT sensor was not connected correctly. No data available for Sea Surface Conductivity, Sea Surface Temperature, and Sea Surface Practical Salinity

Id: 1431 By: leila
Flag: fail Exclude: No

Method: telemetered
Stream: metbk_a_dcl_instrument
1/15/19, 5:00 PM 4/19/19, 7:50 PM

The METBK-CT sensor suddenly started reporting erroneous data on 2019-01-15. The values appear to have flat-lined with occasional steps up/down. At this time, the parameters reported by this sensor (sea surface temperature and conductivity) and any derived parameters (e.g. salinity) are marked as failed. Upon mooring recovery, internally logged data will be downloaded and examined to determine if valid data can be recovered.

Id: 1546 By: wingardc
Flag: fail Exclude: No

Method: telemetered
1/20/20, 1:45 AM

The datalogger computer crashed and had to be power cycled to restore operation. Telemetered data was lost for this time period.

Id: 2050 By: wingardc
Flag: not_operational Exclude: No